Twenty Six

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Y/N watched, panick stricken, at the corpses that lay on the floor. The corpses that were being wheeled into the ambulances.

The corpses that were once her friends-
No, family.

" this a trick." Y/N whispered to herself.

"Jaren, weve got to run. right now." Y/N Spun on her heel.

She took out her kodachis, swapping them for the ax50, and running with him by her side.

He didnt question it. He knew already that the team that wiped Blarg, Grizzy and Puffer didnt get their teamwipe so theyre searching, obviously.

"oh-" Y/N went to cuss, as smii7y gently slapped a hand over her mouth.

"Lay down. We are deeper into the trees." He whispered into her ear, bringing them both low to the ground.

His body pushed against hers, as they both smeared themselves in dirt. They were both already sweaty, obviously from the traveling, planning and killing.

Their scents were masked, and they camouflaged amazingly into the dirt, bushes and trees. Smii7y lifted his head slightly, analyzing what theyve got to work with.

"..theyre going away." The masked man calmly whispered, making their bodies relax.

Tension still had its place in the air when a precision airstrike was called.

"FUCK!" Y/N and Smii7y angrily shouted, getting up and running.

They ran to the sides, knowing if they ran forward the bullets from the airstrike would clip them.

Y/N and Jaren separated, before bullets came flying at them. They both had to separate for now, or else theyd die.

The woman ran for stadiums side, while the man ran for quarrys side. Y/N had no sight on any of the attackers, so pulling out her ax50 and slowing down could potentially get her killed.

Shots came flying specifically in her direction. It was two different sprays from two different guns.

"Fuck. If i want to live, i got to think fast." She spoke to herself, running into stadium. She bashed open the doors, sprinting onto the open field.

(For clarification, this is before the nuke event that introduced season 3 with its new map.)

She spotted the oncoming attackers behind her. They wielded guns, but for some reason they didnt shoot.

Y/N booked it back into stadiums walls.

She hid in one of the open rooms, under the desks. Hearing loud footsteps approach, they carelessly walked in.

Stupidly enough, they were about to turn their back when Y/N popped out from under the desk, shoving her entire fist in the attackers mouth.

"Choke on this, bitch." Y/N whispered menacingly into their ear, slitting their neck with her kodachi. She held the person until they bled out, they shook violently in an attempt to save themselves but it was too late.

Hearing a noise, the other hunter decided to go investigate after hearing his teammate go off radar.

The unruly stench of blood still stuck around. But instead of running away, Y/N used this to her advantage.

She dipped her shoes in the thick, metallic red liquid, and stepping all over the room and its walls. She flicked some of the blood on the ceiling and walls again.

"Now we wait." She whispered again.

And surely enough, the hunter became the hunted. The man walked in, gun drawn to worse than what some would assume a murder scene.

"Hm?!" He hissed, feeling a warm icky liquid substance drip onto his face. Blood.

"I know, i know. I went all these lengths for you." He heard A female voice speak. She sounded grim, and bored.

"Youve just fallen into my trap, thats all that matters." Y/N chirped, looking at him dead in the eyes as he looked down to her form.

She zoomed behind him, comfortably placing an arm around him securely. Abnormally strong, he couldnt fight her off.

"Lights out." She whispered, driving the sword through his stomach from the back. She twisted it around, making sure he felt every second of it.

"Bedtime." Y/N Smiled, seeing the man slowly die out on the already bloody floor.

Heart of the war. [Smii7y x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now