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"CATCH ME, Y/N." Smii7y yelled from above.

"Tempted to let him drop but i dont want to hurt the milk bag, he has holes." She pouted, arms out, staring up.

"Smiitttssss!" She screamed, successfully feeling a force slice through the gap she made between her arms.

Y/N hugged him tightly, squeezing his body. He groaned, picking her up, spinning her around with a tighter squeeze.

"Smi- s m i t s" She croaked out.

"Youre gonna send me to the gulag if you continue." Y/N chirped.

"Oh fuck-" he let the woman down, patting her back affectionately.

The two were so immersed with eachothers presence, they failed to recognize the other three that were waiting patiently, arms crossing and feet tapping.

Puffer cleared his throat, "ahEM."

"You lovebirds done yet?" Matt snickered, trying to keep a straight face, but failing.

They heard the click of a camera, and immediately they looked over to grizzy.

" the you have a phone?"


"Matt, i have launcher ammo." Y/N quietly passed him the ammo for his Strela-P.

"Thank you Love bird number one." Matt rolled all of his R's. Right as he finished his sentence, the announcer called again, but it wasnt original voice. Yet sounding oddly familiar.

"Ladies and gentleman, if youre gentle at all, get a grip on yourselves." A british man spoke through the intercom. Hoarse, but solid. Gentle, but rough sounding.

"Its price." She muttered, listening intently.

"Theres about 120 of you bastards left, eliminate the competition or youll never come home." He spoke coldly. He knew he pierced people harshly with the last few words. It echoed in Y/Ns mind.

"The gulags closing after 25 days." He intervened the other 120 people thinking to themselves.

"If youre in the gulag while its permanently closing, youll be exterminated."

"Unless you kill us all, or escape, you're as good as dead." He added on.

"Now focus on your mission."

Everyone heard a static noise before Price was completely gone. Y/Ns eyes blankly looked up at the sky, looking at the sun before staring back down at her watch for the time.

"3:45." She muttered just loud enough that everyone in her team could hear her.

"Twenty five days huh." Smii7y gripped his grau, looking over at grizzy.

Grizzy huffed, confused. "Howd we even end up here..?"

"Our lives are on the line. How do they think its okay to do this? Its pretty obvious theyre the ones doing it. They meaning The military." Smii7y, frustrated, answered.

"Guys, lone shooter." Y/N spoke sternly, focusing on the guy through the scope on her Ax50.

"Hold youre fire." She spoke again, feeling a familiar feeling whilst looking at the man.


Heart of the war. [Smii7y x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now