Fourty Three❗

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Its been a few hours. Everyones delighted, happy and overall positive. Y/Ns shoulders slumped, still recalling the dream after all the excitement died down.

"Y/N? You Good?" Grizzy patted her on the shoulder, sitting down next to her as Puffer, Matt and Smii7y did their own thing.

" be honest, no." Y/N admitted, sulking.

"Wanna tell me why? Im a good listener!" Grizzy whispered.

"Well i had this dream, these..these people were my parents. I shot them both. I was like..a kid kid. Like my small stubby hands." Y/Ns voice trembled, her memory now recovering most of the dream.

"Y/N..charly told me and matt something when we were healing." Grizzy spoke and the shed went quiet. Matt, puffer and Smii7y listened intently, and Y/N didnt mind.

"Matt, you remember what she said, right?"

"Yeah. Well, all i can say is, i support you, and so does grizzy after what shes told us. Now get ready, because this might be a big thing for you if you didnt know about it." Matt spoke sincerely.

Smii7y didnt know, and figured if Matt warned her, he should get closer and hold her hands in his. He took both her hands and looked into her eyes. Y/Ns eyes darted from his, to matts.

"..Y/N you killed your parents at the age of 8 years old, with your fathers gun after they tried to drown you in a river because they didnt want you." Matt finished, now sitting cross legged.

"And because of the trauma your brain covered it up most likely." Puffer added.

"No wonder you barely remembered what droid did to you until he started doing it again." Grizzy said apologetically.

"Y/N i fully support you and will stay by your side to help you heal.." Jaren comforted his Girlfriend, as seeing her panicked state.

"I..i killed my parents?" Y/N asked herself, in disbelief.

"The dream..the dream was me killing my parents!" Y/N nervously remembered.

"Y/N it wasnt your fault." Smii7y added.

"Yeah, it wasnt. Charly told us back when the news was first announced, you had a cousin that had told multiple stories of the abuse. Even they cashed in on it and now are in jail as an accomplice. You did it in self defense. There is nothing wrong with that." Grizzy added.

"I fucking love you guys.." Y/N started to cry, even if she didnt want to, the tears came and she held her head, silently sobbing as everyone held her in a tight embrace.

"Ive been in so many families but this one loves me like i love it."

Heart of the war. [Smii7y x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now