twenty three

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"Y/N what are you doing?" Smii7y said, watching her put away her ax50, and pulling out her shiny dual kodachis.

"Engaging now, eyes." Y/N spoke, looking directly into Smii7y and Blargs eyes whilst giving the confirmation to Eyes.

"Copy that, engage now, boots." Grizzy replied over the headset, giving the thumbs up to move.

"Initiate, Boots." Y/N spoke to her little mini team, sprinting up the stairs with Smii7y and Blarg following closely behind.

Activating dead silence, everyone including eyes footsteps were unheard. Running up the stairs and into the bedroom where the duo was firing from, one had high alert and sensed them.

"BRO-!" the soldier called, wipping his teammate around. Smii7y gunned him down eagerly while Matt sent an rpg through the broken window and into the opposing teams room.

"Teamwipe." Matt wiped the sweat off his forhead, Loading up yet another RPG. Smii7y huffed, looking at Y/N who launched herself into the other building.

"COWABUNGER!" Y/N screamed, crashing through to the other building.

There she saw 3 downed people and one person armoring up. She locked eyes with this person, who immediately switched to an mp7.

"Oh, its you. Goodbye." He spoke, recognizing the woman.

"Goodbye, indeed." Y/N had already split his insides open with her kodachi, making him hold her arms, attempting to pull it out and subdue her before it hit his heart.

"You wont just get away." Y/N chirped, pulling out her second kodachi and ripping through the top of his chest, hitting his heart.

Y/N watched the man fall limp, and heard the sound of people dying behind her.

"Teamwipe." She repeated over the intercom, alerting eyes to move in on their position.

"Great job boots." Grizzy and puffer congratulated their branched off team, boots, on their double teamwipe.

"Its honestly kind of scary how the ptsd hasnt started. I mean..i killed so many people." Y/N quickly stated, sitting down. Almost talking to herself, she felt another presence beside her.

"Youve got a taste for blood. And i like that." Smii7y said, tugging her waist with his hand.

"No no no, ive got a taste for you."

Smii7y paused for a moment, baffled at the sudden compliment.

"And i like that too."

Heart of the war. [Smii7y x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now