𝐒𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝟐: 𝐄𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐞 𝟒

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Warnings: Swearing, dirty jokes/mentions of sex    

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Warnings: Swearing, dirty jokes/mentions of sex    

Tom slowly and lazily opened his eyes. As he came back to his senses, he realized that he was sitting in a metal chair and was in a locked room. He immediately tried to get out of his seat but his hands that were tied to the chair with a rope. He tried to untangle them but with the way that it was tied, it was almost impossible to untie them. 

"Don't even bother, I tied the ropes so only I can untie them" y/n said from the other side of the glass. Tom struggled even more but eventually gave up. Then for a moment it was silent, but it was broken with Tom's psychotic laugh. "And to think that you were fucking dead" Tom said through his psycho laugh. Y/n rolled her eyes and then put her I.D badge into the system so she could enter into the room. 

She walked in front of him with power and confidence, and Tom just looked up at her with confusion and at the same time, he looked up at her with awe. There was yet, another silence between them. "You look good–" Tom said but was then interrupted. "Cut the bullshit, I didn't come here to have a reunion with you. I came here with questions and your going to answer each and every single one of them truthfully" y/n said. Tom just looked up, staring at the celling, "I opened up to someone after 8 whole fucking years and this is what I get; My ex-lover stabbing me in the back" Tom said quietly. 

Y/n laughed darkly at the irony, "It hurt's doesn't it? To love someone, only for them to betray you. Cause guess what Holland, you did that to me eight years ago and now, I'm just doing the same thing to you" she said while crossing her arms on her chest. Tom sharply looked back at her. Y/n continued, "I loved you, I trusted you, and you just stabbed me in the back... literally. Be grateful that my boss wanted you alive cause otherwise I would have stabbed the fucking shit out of you." Tom's jaw clenched and his eyebrows furrowed, "Me? Stabbing you? What, have you gone mental or something?" y/n just scoffed, "Your a good actor aren't you Holland? Trying to cover up what you did, making yourself look like the victim–" y/n shook her head and bit the inside of her cheek. She continued, "Anyways, whatever your saying right now is going in one ear and out the ear" Tom didn't bother to respond. 

After y/n had attached the lie detector system to Tom, she began asking her questions. 

"Alright here's your first question...and if the system detects that your lying–" y/n walked up to Tom and bent down so that they would be at the same eye-level. She traced her index finger along his jawline and then looked straight into his eyes, "There will be consequences" Tom had a shiver run down his spine. He looked directly into her y/e/c eyes, "Maybe I want to be punished by you" he said while smirking. Y/n rolled her eyes and scoffed, "Why do you always have to make dirty jokes" she mumbled, but Tom could hear her. "I don't know, maybe it has to do with the fact, that the person who is front of me is also the same person who I had sex with..." Tom said, then he mumbled the last part of his sentence, "And it was one of those times where I actually enjoyed it" He said looking down. y/n scoffed, "Yeah whatever" she said, trying to change the subject. 

"First question, which companies are you allied with?" Y/n asked. 

"Stark Industries, Parker Industries, and Roger's Foundation... those are just the main ones though." Tom stated.

Y/n looked down and the screen, the system said that he was correct. She shifted her stance and then continued with all of the questions that her boss had ordered for her to ask him. 


After y/n had all of the answers that were needed, she realized that she had 15 minutes left. So, she decided to ask him more personal questions. 

"Alright Tom, now that I finished up with work... I'm going to ask you the questions that I want answered" y/n said. "Go ahead darling" Tom said while smiling. So far he's been answering everything truthfully.  

"Do you remember our dinner date we had 8 years ago?" y/n said. Tom simply shook his head 'no' 

"Do you remember stabbing me?" y/n said. Tom replied, "Why would I stab the one person who I truly loved?" Tom said. Y/n grew angry, "STOP LYING TO ME YOU ASSHOL–" she was cut off with a ding in the lie detector. He was saying the truth... 

Y/n grew more curious, "So your saying that you have no memory of stabbing me?" Tom shook his head. "huh" was all y/n could say. 

There was then a silence in the room, y/n was thinking about this while crossing her arms and walking back and forth... and then it hit her. "Do you know anything about the GH-325 serum?" She asked Tom. Tom displayed a confused expression, "Never heard of it" The lie detector said that he was answering with the truth. 

Y/n unintentionally bit her lip while thinking and Tom sighed. Why does she have to be so damn sexy, he thought. 

"I think I figured out what's going on then" y/n said to Tom, "Thanks for answering all of the questions, I'll send down someone to give you food and something to drink" she said and then started to walk away. 

"Wait!" Tom said which stopped y/n in her tracks. She turned around slowly, "What?"

"Can I just say something before you leave?" Tom asked. "Sure?" y/n said slightly confused. Tom started looking down and then laughing a little bit, this made y/n even more confused. "I knew it was you all along" Tom finally said. "W-what?" y/n said as her eyes widened. 

"The day you came into my office, I knew it was you. I could just feel it. I always had this feeling that you were alive and just hiding. So after you left, I had Harrison do some more research on you. He was able to hack into the government's files and he saw that your file was put into the system just a few weeks ago. Also, you used the same perfume that you use to use in high school" Tom said. 

y/n was know a stuttering mess. "W-what?! So your telling me that you found out yet you did nothing?" y/n said. "Yep, after I found out I just let you win so that I could be with you for longer. Also your helping me escape the Mafia World" Tom stated. 

"Escape the Mafia World?" 

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