𝐒𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝟐: 𝐄𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐞 𝟔

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After last night, y/n had just come to her senses and realized what she had done. She was scared, humiliated that she gave in so easily and that she was vulnerable. She knew that what she did was wrong. As of right now, Tom was the man who tried to stab her. But y/n knew that something was up. She didn't know what to do anymore. Fortunately Tom knew y/n. The minute she woke up from her sleep, she had a look in her eyes. Tom knew exactly what she was feeling.

Currently, Tom and y/n were laying in bed. Y/n was in her bra and panties while Tom was shirtless and only had boxers on due to last night's activities. Y/n was snuggled up in Tom's bare chest while he was playing with y/n's hair. Y/n just needed to hug somebody, she didn't want to seem like a petty little girl. But she just couldn't help it, she started quietly sobbing, little tiny tears coming out. Tom's heart dropped when he heard the little whimpers coming out of y/n. 

"Hey, hey, hey, what's wrong princess?" he cooed. She sniffed, "I try to avoid you and be all tough but I always go back to you Tom. Your considered as a criminal at HQ. I'm not supposed to love you." y/n said in a croaky voice. Tom thought about it while stroking her hair. Yes, he knew that he was a dangerous mobster selling high-tech illegal weapons. At first he didn't care if people called him a criminal. But when it came out of y/n's mouth, he had this unexplainable feeling of pain. "Well do you see me as a criminal?" Tom asked. Y/n looked up at him, "Tom, you make illegal weapons and sell them to private investors..." y/n's eyes saddened, "of course I see you as a criminal." she said. 

Tom felt like someone had just stabbed him in the back. He didn't want his princess to see him as a criminal, so he did something that he never in a million years would have expected to do. Y/n sighed which brought Tom back to the present, as he was all caught up in his head. He pursed his lips, am I really going to do this? Just for her?, he thought.

"Hey you know what?" Tom said as he looked down at y/n. Y/n snuggled even more into his chest even more and wrapped her arms around his waist. "What?" she asked softly. Tom caressed her bare shoulder with his hand, "I'm going to quit the Mafia Business" he said. Y/n's eyes widened and she sharply turned her head to look at Tom. "What?" Y/n said surprised and shocked. Tom looked down on her and elaborated, "I will do anything just so that you can be comfortable with me. If me being in the Mafia makes you scared to not be in a relationship with me, then I'm willing to quit... for you" Tom said. 

"Are you serious?" Y/n asked, still shocked. Tom nodded his head, "Yes y/n" he said. Her eyebrows started to furrow and she had an angry expression. Tom was scared, Did I do something wrong?, He thought. "Wh-what?" He said frightened. "You didn't call me princess" y/n said in a playful tone. Tom sighed with relief, then he started laughing. "Okay I'm sorry... princess" he said while playing along. Y/n smiled and intertwined her legs with his. "That's much better" She murmured as she hugged him. Tom laughed and hugged her tighter, "I love you so much" he said. Instead of ignoring it this time, y/n decided to say if back. "I love you too" 


It was now 11:30 am and everyone who was assigned on the 'GH-325 mission' was in the conference room... including Tom. The Boss was a little skeptical at first. But since y/n is one of the top elite agents and she trusted Tom, the Boss decided to give it a chance.

"Alright listen up everybody, were not playing any games today." the Boss said sternly. Everyone gathered around and started to quiet down. "As we all know, the GH-325 serum is something the MI6 has been tracking down for a very long time now. 5 years ago, when we first discovered that it had already been in use, we made it our mission to find out anyone that is associated with it. So far, we have... nothing. That is until Agent y/l/n had gave me some new information" the Boss said as everyone started to smile toward y/n's direction.

The Boss continued, "Agent y/l/n has informed me that our little mate Tom here, could be associated with the GH-325. Were not sure how he is related to it, we just know he is. So we just have to trust him on this mission" Boss said. "Yep, I may be a mobster but..." Tom looked at y/n and continued, "I'm willing to change" Tom said while it made y/n smile a bit. The Boss smiled slightly, "Alright Mr.Holland, is there any information you can give us?" Boss asked. 

Tom thought about it for a second. "I have a friend, his name is Harrison Osterfield. A few years back, I remember eavesdropping on a conversation he had with a women who goes by the name Zendaya..." Tom said. Y/n's eyes widened, she's a part of this too?, y/n thought. "They were talking about the GH-325 and something about injecting it into to me" Tom said. Everyone was listening intently. The Boss took a deep breath in, "Thank you Mr.Holland, that really does help a lot with our mission" he said.  "Okay, I think that's it for now. For now,  I would like all of you to research and come up with any information about Harrison and Zendaya" Boss said. 

As everyone was leaving the room, y/n spoke up. "I know a thing or two about them" y/n said. Everyone paused what they were doing and took a seat to listen. "During High-School, Harrison and Zendaya were my best friends. There was also this kid named James, but he isn't really relevant to this story right now. Anyway, we were best friends and they always cared for me. Harrison Osterfield was born on July 4th, 1996 which means that he's the same age as me... 24. Zendaya Coleman was born on September 1st, 1996, she is also 24. During our High-School years, Harrison and Zendaya were dating. I don't know if they are still dating now–" y/n was interrupted by Tom. "They aren't dating anymore... their married" Tom stated. 

Y/n started to choke on her own spit, "What?! I missed my best friend's wedding?!" y/n exclaimed. "Well that's what you get when go into hiding for 8 whole years princess" Tom said with a smug smile. The Boss was flabbergasted, "W-w-wow that's a lot of information to process Agent y/l/n, thank you, this will definitely help solve the case" Boss said. Y/n nodded her head, "Anytime" she replied then headed out of the room with Tom right behind her. 

"So... what are we supposed to do now?" Tom questioned. Y/n furrowed her eyebrows, "What do you mean?" she said. Tom playfully rolled her eyes, "We just finished a meeting so now what are we going to do?" He elaborated. "Well I have this thing call a job Tom" y/n responded playfully. Tom was not amused, "Ha. Ha. Very funny" He responded sarcastically.  Y/n laughed a little bit, "No but seriously, I have to go upload some files to the databases and research more on this GH-325 thing" she said while smiling. 

Tom pouted, "But I wanted to spend some time with you!" he whined while putting both of his hands around her waist. Y/n sighed and hugged him, her head buried in his chest while her arms were around his torso. "Alright how about we go get a grilled cheese sandwich at the café downstairs and then we can chat while I'm doing my work" Y/n said. 

Tom slightly pulled away from the hug so that he could see her face, "Can we get milkshakes too?" He said as if he was a 5 year old. Y/n laughed, "Yes we can get milkshakes" she said. Tom smiled and gave her the biggest hug, "YAY!!!" he exclaimed. 

And with that, Tom and y/n headed downstairs to go to HQ's café and get themselves a grilled cheese sandwich and a milkshake. 


A/N: hey ya'll! I'm so sorry that i haven't been updating recently I just had a lot on my plate for the past few weeks. But now I got everything taken care of so I have to time write episodes! 

btw i'm planning on ending this fan-fiction when season 2 ends... which is season 2: episode 14, but if I need more time to finish then there mayyy be a season 3, so stay tuned for that.

Also i'm really sorry that this is shorter than my usual episodes, I'm supposed to be doing homework right now lol

okay fr this time... byeeeee!!!

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