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Your POV

You hurriedly make your way to your dorm room to take a pregnancy test, in potion form ofc.

You prick your finger with a needle and let a drop of blood fall into cauldron you wait

a few minutes for the color to change.

Your eyes widen and your heart sinks as the concoction changes from white to blue

'no, no, no, no, no! I can't be I'm not ready! What will Severus think?! I'll tell him later' you think before dumping out the content in your cauldron. You quickly get dressed into your robes before making your way down several corridors until you reach the great hall.

Walking over to the Slytherin table you step in front of Lucius and Severus gaining their attention

"Severus meet me in the astronomy tower after dinner" you quickly say your voice laced with worry walking out of the great hall not giving him any time to respond.

Severus POV

you watch as y/n rushes out of the great hall in a state of panic.

You furrow your brows turning back to Lucius

"what the bloody hell was that about?" he asks you shrug your shoulders at him as an I don't know

"we better go class will start soon" you say before getting up to head to class.

Your POV

You ignore Severus and everybody else for the rest of the day your head clouded with confusion and worry as you head to your final class.

You sit away from Severus stealing a seat next to Narcissa earning an annoyed groan from Lucius who just walked in, you normally sit next to Severus but not today. You set your books down looking up at Severus whose giving you confused look.

"are you alright y/n?" Narcissa asks "of course why wouldn't I be" you say with a smile looking back at Severus who's now speaking to ugh lily Evans who then gives you a dirty look, 'that bitch' your blood boils at the sight but you can't do anything about it knowing they're best friends you roll your eyes 'why did he even fancy her she's likes his bully for fucks sake okay calm down y/n breathe'

You open your book to the assigned page and begin to read.

After a couple minutes your mind goes back to this earlier that day, you soon get lost in thought completely unaware that class has ended.

Your pulled out of your thoughts to Narcissa gently tapping your shoulder

"y/n class is over" she says you see Severus and Lucius walking over, you quickly shove your things into your bag and pull Narcissa out of the classroom and into the crowded halls, you look back to make sure you have lost them. You let out a heavy sigh as you release Narcissa from your grip running a hand through your h/c hair turning to Narcissa who has a worried look on her face.

"are you sure you're okay? We always walk with the boys to the common room" she gasps "did Severus do something? If he hurt, you I swear ill- you cut her off putting a hand up signaling her to stop you shake your head no while chuckling faintly she can be very protective at times

"then what is it?" she says, you grab her hand gently "I need to tell you something" you say as you lead her to the Slytherin common room.

You walk her to a sofa and sit down about to speak when two boys you do not want to see walk in.

"maybe we should talk somewhere a bit more private" you say getting up and walking to your dorm Narcissa right behind you completely ignoring Severus who called after you.

Rekindling of an old flame (Snape x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now