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TW: suicidal thoughts/attempt

The next day you wake up a bit later than usual missing breakfast. Shaking Aurora awake you hurry to get dress before rummaging through your fridge for something the both of you could eat.

The both of you finish eating each rushing in different directions to class.

You rush in to your classroom a couple minutes after your students arrived.

The rest of the week goes by smoothly, Aurora and Severus are still getting to know each other she's not as nervous as she was when they first met. He gives you forehead kisses every night after dinner like he used to all those years ago giving you butterflies every time.

Although after the first two weeks he has been getting a bit distant talking to you as little as possible and avoiding you in the halls. You are teaching your last class of the day.

"Okay that's all for today, by Friday I expect all of you to turn in your essays it is Tuesday so you all should have plenty of time, you may go." You say with a smile and sit back behind your desk.

An hour in to grading Lockhart comes strolling in to your class room greeting you with that dashing smile. "professor what can I help you with?" you say setting your quill down as to not be rude

"I came to ask if you would join me for a drink in Hogsmeade, an apology for what happened" he says avoiding you eye contact obviously ashamed of his actions, you smile at him before answering with a smile "sure, I could use a break anyway" he looks at you and smiles widely "excellent" he says waiting for you to get your coat on, grabbing your wand and purse you both step out of classroom shutting the door behind you and begin your walk out of the castle.

"If im being honest professor I thought you wouldn't accept my offer" he says as you walk down the corridor "why do you say that" you ask looking at him "well because you were pretty mad that day and I- I just thought you'd still be angry with me" he says looking to his feet once again avoiding your gaze "well im sure you've learned your lesson so there's no reason for me to be mad anymore" you say smiling at him "besides I don't like holding grudges" you say looking forward again to see Aurora and Severus having a conversation towards the entrance, as you get closer you smile and give them a small wave before approaching them "hello my dear" you say pulling aurora in to a hug "Severus" you say with a smile that soon falters when you see him glaring at Lockhart you clear your throat looking back at aurora "I'm making a quick trip to Hogsmeade do you want or need anything?" you ask her she looks at Lockhart then back to you "um no" you look at her and raise an eyebrow "are you sure?" you ask waiting for her to give in "chocolate frogs and a new sketch book" she says you smile down at her and give her a quick kiss on her head "got it" you say with a smile before leaving.

Once outside the gates you grab hold of Lockhart's arm to apparate to make the process faster.

Once your feet hit the ground outside Hogsmeade you start walking again.

"why don't you grab the stuff you need and meet me at the three broomsticks" "okay see you in a bit" you say before walking towards honey dukes.

You step inside immediately being hit with the sweet smell and warmth of the shop, you walk around picking up a few treats for aurora and her friends knowing she likes to share. After paying for everything you head to an art shop getting a few things for yourself and aurora, you finish up your shopping and go to your last stop, a drink with Lockhart.

You step inside and see him surrounded by a few woman swooning over him, he looks over at you and dismisses them waving you over as they walk past you they shoot you some dirty looks which you ignore as you take a seat in front of him, a waitress comes over and takes your order.

Rekindling of an old flame (Snape x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now