Chapter 21

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You stood before your first class with a small smile and a stack of paper in your hands.
"Good morning" you addressed the class of seventh years. With a flick of your wand the papers you once held were soaring through the air landing on each desk.
"Now we'll start the day off by going over our syllabus for the quarter and then we'll get into our first lesson of the school year" you said
"Please follow as I read and explain the syllabus, as you will see I have made several changes"
"First things first, I have a new office" you said "should you need me I'll be there or here in my classroom from said time"
"As it is your final year, I will giving tests more often to see where you are excelling and where you are lacking in this subject that way I'll know what we need to brush up on" you finished

"Many students past and present found this subject to be irrelevant and I say to them each time how important knowing your history is" you started crossing your arms "it is very important to know and understand certain things from the past to better help you in the future. It also helps form you as a person, your past is history"
"Your past mistakes, your past experiences, your past actions and choices have all contributed in making you the person you are right now"

"The same can be said with the history of magic, our magical power and abilities have all come from witches and wizards in the past making mistakes but also succeeding in their endeavors"
"We have the spells and the potions and the books and knowledge of said now because of them" you finished taking a deep breath
"We have a better understanding of our world and the things in it thanks to them, now if I do my job correctly some of you may help our next generation of students understand more by expanding and improving what we already know"
"With that being said let's get our books out and turn to page 9, the very beginning"

You found your flow and went with it the rest of the day with every other class and year. Remus had come by during lunch to let you know how his classes and his teaching method was going.
You spent the rest of the day sitting around and looking out your office window for any sign of black. Feeling uneasy every time you saw a dementor in the distance searching as well.

During dinner you sat next to Severus keeping conversation to a minimum. He would peek at you every so often trying to read your expression since he couldn't read your thoughts, but it was blank. You stared straight ahead at the doors and other times glancing at aurora or Harry Potter.
Excusing yourself you left the great hall leaving behind an untouched plate of food and a full goblet. Severus being right next to you taking notice first, Remus also noticing your absence asked Severus where you had gone only to be answered with a tense shrug of the shoulders.

Different thoughts ran rampant in your head as you strolled along the edge of the dark forest, Occasionally glancing behind you to make sure.
A branch snapped and you froze snapping your head in the direction of the sound.
"Lumos" you whispered pointing your wand into the forest as your breathing became erratic.
A centaur stepped out from behind a large tree making you step back. It gave you a bow of the head as if to say he meant no harm before stepping towards you. Still unsure as centaurs were never in this area or this close to the castle.

"It is not safe here madam" he spoke to you "Sirius black was spotted not to far from here"
"Where?" You asked "in a cave near hogsmeade"
"And the dementors" he said looking up at them
"They're harmless against staff and students, unless provoked" you said "not always madam"
Before you could respond a loud howl echoed through the forest causing a chain reaction from every wolf and werewolf within sending a chill up your spine. The centaur looked around as your heartbeat started to thrum in your ears.
"You should get back to the castle it's no longer safe out here especially for a trained witch, this forest is far more dangerous than before" he said
before galloping off into the darkness.

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