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 The music fades and soon you're surrounded by darkness, moments after you're jolted awake by your mother's sweet voice. "mom?" "y/n my dear what did you do!" "I can't do it anymore im tired" you say gripping on to your mother crying in to her chest "y/n you need to go back, they need you" she says stroking your h/l h/c hair as she cradles you. "no, they don't, they're fine without me" "that's what you think" "I miss you I don't want to leave you" you say gripping on to her tighter "you have to, ill always be with you. Now you have to go back, I love you so much y/n" "I love you too" "now go" she says standing up turning in to nothing as the room swirls around you bringing you back into your bathroom.

You sit up gasping for air and coughing the music stopped playing and the water now cold.

After taking a couple minutes to fix your breathing and calm down you pull yourself out of the water and wrap yourself in a towel, you slip on some underwear and put on your night gown and crawl into bed feeling extremely exhausted falling asleep as soon as your head hit the pillow.

You awoke the next morning with a massive headache still feeling exhausted from what happened, deciding to not work today you get out of bed and go to the bathroom to do your morning routine.

Looking in the mirror you can see how pale you look and how dark under your eyes are without makeup you sigh tying your hair back in to a low bun and continuing to get ready.

Once you're dressed you write a letter to Remus letting him know you're coming and to be at your house. Once you're done you leave your room and make your way to Dumbledore's office knocking on his door. "come in" you hear him call out softly, you open the door and step inside to see him behind his desk smiling warmly at you. His smile turns in to a concerned look when he sees the state that you are in "have a seat dear" he says pointing to the chair in front of him, as you sit down he asks what's wrong,

You can feel the tears leave your eyes and roll down your cheek as those words left his mouth.

I- your words are cut off by a small sob you quickly cover your mouth trying to suppress your cries not wanting to breakdown in front of him. "I can't do it, I need a break" you say trying your hardest to hold back your tears "cant do what y/n?" he asks looking more concerned than before "I cant work I cant teach in the state that im in" you say as a few tears escape "I need the day of albus I need to get out or I might do it again" you say wiping away your tears "do what again? What did you do?" he says nothing but worry lacing his words "that doesn't matter right now I just need to go" you say struggling to fix your composure he doesn't push you to speak anymore on the topic but grants you permission to go.

"thank you" you say getting up to leave before you get to the door you hear him speak "take the rest of the week dear I know you need it, don't worry about your class ill get someone cover it for you" he says smiling at you, after thanking him again you go back to your room.

You grab a small trunk and place a weeks' worth of clothes in there along with two different pairs of shoes along with some of your painting supplies making sure they would not open and ruin anything.

Once you are done packing your things you head off to find aurora.

You tug your coat on and grab your things, making your way to the potions room.

You lightly knock on the door awaiting permission to enter, the door swings open dramatically to reveal snape with an annoyed look plastered on his face for disturbing his class which is soon replaced with a worried one. "can I help you professor?" he asks eyeing you carefully "yes I need to speak with aurora its very important" you say giving him a weak smile, he raises an eyebrow at you before calling her out.

"there you are dear" you say pulling her away from snape "im going to be gone for a couple days okay" you say watching her smile turn in to a frown "why? Where you going?" she says with a pout "I was called for some auror business, im going to be at home so I wont be to far" you say putting your things on the floor grabbing her shoulders "but don't worry ill be back in time for your first game" you say giving her a quick shake and a wide smile "okay" she says returning the smile "okay now ive got to go ill see you soon love" you say giving her a quick kiss on the head and a tight hug "now back to class, I love you" you say pushing her towards the open door she gives you a quick wave before going inside.

Rekindling of an old flame (Snape x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now