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Major TW/ mentions of abuse/rape/miscarriage/blood

You turned around and saw Severus grab Lockhart by the collar and slam him in to the wall before punching him over and over.
He said something to him but you couldn't hear what was said everything was muffled and you felt weird
You looked down at your grey trousers and saw them become bloody, Severus grabbed your shoulders and shook you he must have asked you something.
He pulled you along with him to your chambers, he pulled you in to the bathroom.
Your nose had gotten blood all over your shirt and on your neck, he looked at you and said something to which you nodded.
He carefully lifted your shirt over your head and wiped your nose with it before going to turn on the shower you looked down at your blood soaked pants and chest as he checked the temperature of the water too weak to keep it up the concealing charm stopped.
He turned around and saw your face and body, his eyes filled with sadness at the sight.
He stood you up and pulled your pants off, he took his cloak off and carefully helped you in to the shower he grabbed a washcloth and gently wiped the the blood off your chest and face.
The pain from it and the water hitting your skin must of helped bring you out of your daze.
You looked down between your legs and saw the amount of blood seeping out of you, you began to sob as he washed your body and face.
"I'm so sorry" he said as he cleaned your neck
You could hear the hurt in his voice as he apologized for something he did not do.
He went to grab the shampoo abruptly causing you to flinch and cover your face.
He felt his heart sink at your reaction and crawled next to you pulling you in to him and wrapping a protective arm around you.
"I'd never hit you" he said as you relaxed into him
"Please don't be scared of me" he said as he cradled you in his arms "I'm sorry" he whispered as he felt tears start to slip out of his eyes.
His clothes and shoes were getting soaked but he could care less, he held you under the water holding you tight until you calmed down a bit.
He stood and lifted you up with him
"Can I take these off and wash you properly?" He asked "if your not comfortable I can get pompfrey" he said removing his hands.

"you can do it" you whispered too tired and knowing he only wanted to help. he nodded and unclipped your bra and tossed it aside along with your underwear, he put some body wash on the cloth and lathered it over your chest making sure to get all the blood off your breast.
"Would you like to wash between your legs yourself" he asked not wanting you to be uncomfortable.
You nodded and he put the wash cloth in your hand and turned away from you.
You took the cloth between your legs with shaky hands scrubbing off the blood that had dried and anything else wringing the cloth out and seeing all the blood made you sob again.
"I can't" you choked out
He turned around and took the cloth again and helped clean your legs while you kept your eyes shut, all you could feel was Lockhart's hands when he would use you for his own pleasure.
He put some shampoo in his hands and raked it through your hair gently massaging your scalp.
After he rinsed it he put in some conditioner and let it sit a few minutes before he rinsed the conditioner out and turned the shower off.

He warmed up a towel with his wand and wrapped it around you and sat you on the toilet.
"I'm going to find you something comfortable" he said rushing out and in to your closet.
He grabbed your undergarments, a shirt and sweats and set them on your bed.
You instructed him to put a pad in your panties and slipped them on along with the sweats, he put the shirt on you and ushered you to your bed.
He went in to your living room and started a fire to warm up the rest of your chambers.
You pulled the blanket over yourself and watched as Severus walked around your kitchen trying to find where everything was that he needed.
He came back in and set a cup of tea on your nightstand and poured a potion in it.
"You're clothes are wet" you said tiredly looking at the trials of water he had left behind
"My clothes are the least my concerns" he said
"Drink this" he handed you the cup of tea
You took a sip and began to relax a bit.
He waved his wand and his clothes, hair and the rest of the water on the floor dried immediately.
You looked away from him down at your tea
"I'm sorry you had to see that" you said embarrassed that he saw your battered body.
He looked up and saw that you had put the charm back on covering up the bruises and cuts scattered across your face and body.
"Look at me" he said softly but you refused
You felt his hand under your chin softly lifting your head to look at him. His eyes were filled with care and sadness, he took the cup from your hand and put it to the side. He took a seat beside you and held your hands in his
"How long has this been going on" he asked
You looked down at your hands and sighed
"It started a month or two into our relationship, it started off with a raised fisted that turned into small slaps and hurtful words but it only got worse he only stopped when- when I found out I was pregnant" you said
"nobody ever heard my screams and cries break the dead silence of the night, if they did they ignored it" you said tears slipping down your cheeks "He would force himself on me when I didn't want it" claiming it was his right as my partner "His hand prints are still bruised on to my hips" you cried and pulled your knees in to your chest and started to sob uncontrollably as Severus tried to help.
He crawled behind you and pulled you in to him hugging you tightly as he caressed your arms.
He held you until you tired out from crying he watched as your loud sobs turned in to light
sniffling as your eyes closed and you slowly
fell asleep clinging to him.
Still holding you he laid back on to your pillows and pulled you closer to him as he started to fall asleep.

Rekindling of an old flame (Snape x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now