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You woke up the next day around noon, sitting up quickly you check the time to see it's past two.
You rush in to your closet and pull on a black turtle neck and a pair of sweats not caring what anyone will think and slip on your shoes.
Looking in the mirror you run a brush through your hair and tie it in a low bun.
After you finished getting 'ready' you left for the hospital wing, walking in you saw aurora asleep.
Sighing you blow a strand of hair out of your face and approach her bed.
Sitting in the seat beside it you wait for madam pomfrey to come update you.

After a few moments she enters, Severus behind her.
She checks auroras nose and knee.
"Her nose is healing perfectly, you'll need to keep it bandage for a day or two, as for her knee you'll need to keep it iced until the swelling has gone then she will be okay to walk on her own." She says
"When she wakes, which will be soon your free to take her" she says with a smile before leaving.
You look at her little bandaged nose and frown feeling guilty, 'if only I had said no' you thought.
Sighing quite loudly you rub your temples.
"What's wrong?" Severus asks
"I should've said no to her, if I had she wouldn't be in this position. She looks awful." You say
"Yes but I don't think she'd be happy with you if you had said no to her, it's all apart of the game look at Potter and Draco they got hurt as well it's all part of the experience dear" he says rubbing your shoulder

Aurora opened her eyes immediately groaning at the brightness of the room and shutting them again.
After a moment she opens her eyes letting them adjust, her eyes are swollen and lightly bruised.
She looks at you with sleep still in her eyes.
"Awe my darling, you look so tired" you say leaning over her and pushing her hair from her face.
"Come on, let's get you up and out of here"
To which she nods and sits up.
Helping her to her feet you escort her out of the infirmary and towards your room.
Along the way you bump in to Draco.
"Aurora!" He says running towards you all
"Draco" she says
"Look at you, I'm sorry I made you get hurt" he says
"It's not your fault draco you didn't know I was there" she says with a weak smile
"Still I'm sorry" he says
"Mr. Malfoy how are you? You took quite the fall" you asked looking at the cut on his chin
"I'm fine, hurt terribly then but I'm okay now" he said with a smile that warmed your heart.
'Sweet boy' you thought
"Excuse us Mr malfoy but we must get her in to bed" Severus interrupts
"Of course" he says stepping out of the way

After stepping inside your chambers you take aurora in to your room and lay her on your bed propping her leg up on some pillows.
Going in to the kitchen you take a ice pack from the freezer and go back to aurora placing it on her knee.
"You'll have to leave that there until it's warm" You say sitting beside her.
"You hungry?" You asked which she said no
"Okay, well I'll wake you up for dinner" you say
She nods at you closing her eyes and falling asleep.
You leave your room and slump in to your seat at your desk, sighing loudly as you pull out papers to grade from your leave.
"Do you need help?" Severus ask
"No I'm fine, thank you" you say looking over papers and crossing out wrong answers.
Mumbling curse words under your breath as you went along each page.
Severus looked at you with an amused look before taking a book off your shelf and sitting down to read.

After awhile you started to get distracted with the thought of Lockhart and what happened.
'Do I like him?' You thought twirling the pen in your hand as you begin to shake your leg.
'I have to see narcissa soon, what will she think' you thought beginning to click your pen.
'Severus how will he feel about Lockhart' 'fuck I forgot lockharts dueling class' 'aurora oh my god she won't like whatever we become if we do' 'remus already knows' 'why do I feel this way for HIM' multiple thoughts running through your head.
'I miss her, she'd know how to help she'd know what was good for me' you thought about your mother.
Your mind going back to the last time you saw her and how you did.
Every thought you had vanished as you remembered how it felt to take that first breath of air you stopped clicking your pen and closed your eyes.
How cold the water was as  how weak you were.
You stopped moving your leg as flashbacks began to hit you reminding you of that night.
You opened your eyes only to see the tiles in your bathroom. You looked down to see the water filling up the tub. As you tried to pull yourself out you felt yourself fall back in to the water causing you to jump from your seat, becoming familiar with your surroundings you covered your mouth as tears began to prick at the corner of your eyes.

Rekindling of an old flame (Snape x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now