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Aurora had been going to Beauxbatons since she was 11. Its now the summer and she is 12.

It is the middle of July and she's home with you. Your house is quite big for the two of you but its home.

As aurora got older you moved her bedroom upstairs. Downstairs has two guest rooms, the library and a bathroom. Upstairs is your study, your bedroom, auroras bedroom with their own bathrooms and a few other empty rooms.

You are sitting in your study painting and aurora in the library reading a book classical music playing.

tap tap you looked up from your canvas to see an owl pecking at your window you walk over and open it taking the letter from its leg "thank you" you say before closing the window watching the owl fly away.

You look at the letter and see yours and Aurora's name on it.

You opened it to see the Hogwarts crest and Dumbledore's name at the top.

  Dear Ms. y/n y/ln

We are requesting you as a member of our staff, there is a teaching
Position we would like you to fill this year.
If you accept our students and staff would
Be very delighted to welcome you back
to Hogwarts as the new history of magic professor.
Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress

With that you went to open auroras 'why did she get one she already has a school' you thought.

Dear Ms. Aurora y/ln

We are pleased to inform you that you that you have been accepted
At the Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry as a 3rd year.
Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
Term begins 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31st July
Yours sincerely,
Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress

You rush downstairs to the library showing aurora her letter.

"I got one to dear for a teaching position" you state taking a seat next to her your heart racing with excitement "are you going to accept it? You barely know anything about teaching you're an auror after all one of the youngest at that" said aurora "well with the dark lords downfall there isn't much for me to do half those cells in Azkaban are full thanks to Alastor and I, and I have some experience with teaching I am your mom after all I taught you almost everything you know about potions, dark arts, herbology and so on, I can do it" you say with a small smile "it's just do you want to go to Hogwarts? If you do not want to then I won't" "what are you crazy you have to teach mom, and of course I want to go to Hogwarts its only the best school in the wizarding world." She says "are you sure Aurora I don't want you changing your mind when we get there" you ask teasingly "ill miss my friends at beauxbatons but yes I'm sure I can make new friends at Hogwarts and I want to be close to where you are" "well okay then let us write them back shall we its almost the 31st"

August 20th

"Aurora lets go we got to get our stuff and we have to tell Remus so hurry up"

The both of you apparated to diagon alley and made your way to a crowded book shop

"we should've come yesterday look how packed it is in here" you whispered to Aurora stepping inside

"ladies and gentlemen Mr. gilderoy Lockhart"" let me by madam thank you excuse me little girl this is for the daily prophet" "it can't be harry potter" the man holding the camera pulled harry to the side of Lockhart taking a photo of them together "oh so that's why its so packed in here" you said holding aurora close as to not lose her in the wave of people. "Go get the books you need while I speak with mr Lockhart here" you say accidentally bumping in to the woman behind you "oh excuse me I'm sorry" you say turning around to look at who you almost knocked over" oh its okay dear, I haven't seen you around here, what's your name?" "oh I just got back, I'm y/n y/ln im the new history of magic professor at Hogwarts my daughter is starting her second year" "Oh my son Ronald is aswell and my daughter is starting her first year I'm Molly, Molly Weasley dear its nice to meet you" "its nice to meet you to molly" you say with a smile 'I love her already' you thought stepping up to the signing table handing your book to Lockhart you knew he was a fake but you found him very handsome for some odd reason.

Rekindling of an old flame (Snape x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now