Chapter 18

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Once inside your house you got to packing for the year, going in to your study you went to get your painting tools. Hours later a strong wind blew your bedroom window open, you quickly went over and shut it locking it.

Looking out at your back yard you saw a large shaggy black dog looking at you before running in to the woods.
Your eyes widened and you ran down stairs quickly to your back door, unlocking it. You ran outside and out the fence and in to the woods. Wand drawn you looked around standing silently waiting for a noise to follow, a branch broke and you ran in the direction of it jumping over logs and dodging branches.
You saw the dog look at you before it ran through the trees and out in to a clearing, you followed it making it through to the other side only to find nothing, he was gone. You turned around and walked through the trees slowly back to your house.

There you saw Severus walking around trying to find you, he walked towards you when you came through the gate a raised brow at your defeated look.
"What are you doing here?" You asked turning to him
"I just came to talk, and to tell you that I-
There was a bright green flash that came from within your house cutting him off, followed by your living room light turning on.
"Stay here" you whispered to Severus thinking it was Sirius inside your house, you pulled your wand out and walked across your yard and quietly in to your house. You turned around and saw Severus watching you closely through the doors. You went in to your living room and saw nobody in there confused you turned around and ran in to aurora. You screamed loudly pointing your wand at her making her scream. Severus ran in with his own wand drawn.

"What are you doing here!" You shouted your heart still racing as you lowered your wand.
"I don't want to go there I want to go to Hogwarts, Madam maxime let me floo back" she said arms crossed "you're going back"
You sighed in defeat and looked at Severus.
"I have to tell dumbledore, go get dinner started" you said going up to your study to write the letter. You informed him that aurora would be joining you.
After you sent the letter on the way you went back downstairs to help aurora.

After dinner you sent her to bed and sat in the living room with Severus.
"What did you want to tell me earlier?" You asked
"Oh, well uh last night after the party I ended things with septima vector I didn't like the way she spoke to you and of aurora" he said standing awkwardly
Your heart felt over joyed but you kept it hidden.
"Oh, it's about time" you said nonchalantly taking your empty cups in to the kitchen a smile tugging at your lips as you placed them in the sink.
"So are you staying here or going home" you asked
"It's a bit late to be traveling especially with a "murderer" on the loose" you said really just wanting an excuse for him to be close to you.
"If you are you know where the guest room is" you said going back in to your living room.
"I suppose it is too late for travel" he said
"Well Goodnight then"
"Goodnight" he replied going up the stairs

You went in to your library to read for awhile.
After an hour or two later you went up to your room.
You laid in bed feeling happy as you fell asleep.

You woke up around 4am to see someone standing in front of your bed you screamed loudly as the man got closer to you, his face became clear and he covered your mouth with his hand. It was Sirius, you tried to speak but it was muffled. You heard footsteps rushing to your door. You pushed his hand off you and sat up quickly mouthing for him to hide.
Severus knocked on the door asking if you were okay
"I'm fine I just, there was a spider" you said
"Oh, okay" he said and his footsteps departed
You turned to Sirius angrily walking over to him hitting his chest as you questioned him.
"What are you doing here!" You whisper yelled
"Oh my god Sirius!" You said again pulling him in to a hug. "You smell" you whispered in to his chest before pushing him away.
"It's good to see you to" He chuckled
"Now tell me why are you here?" You asked
"Wait let's get you out of those rags" you said walking out of your room and downstairs to where remus usually stays, you rummaged through the closet for a set of clothes Sirius could wear.
Quietly you tiptoed upstairs back to your room locking the door behind you.
"Why don't you shower love" you said handing him the clothes and pointing at the bathroom door.
"Towels are on the shelf" you said as he went in
The shower turned on and you went back downstairs to make the both of you a cup of tea and to get Sirius something to eat, as you waited for the water you started to think about this situation.
'This is crazy' you thought as you leaned on the sink 'holy shit I have a fugitive in my home' the house was so quiet you could hear the shower upstairs going.
Silently praying that Severus wouldn't hear you downstairs preparing Sirius something to eat when you we're supposed to be upstairs in the shower.

Rekindling of an old flame (Snape x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now