Chapter 20

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The next morning you woke up early and whipped up a quick breakfast for you and aurora before leaving to make it to the train on time.
You waited patiently on the platform for Remus and Severus, you seemed to be way too early as only a few people were waiting along with you.
Aurora held your hand swaying around getting a bit tired of standing around. After a couple minutes more and more students and their parents came through the barrier.

"There he is" aurora said twirling you in their direction as you had your back facing them
"It's about time" you joked as they got closer
"Sorry about that, had to make sure I had everything" remus beamed looking a bit rough
You looked over the crowded station stopping at a group of kids that went quiet and parted like the red sea to let a man dressed in black through. You rolled your eyes at how dramatic his "entrance" was.
He glared at a few of them as he made his way over to you not letting his monotonous mood drop.
"Alright dear we're all here, time for our very very short fairwell before we all reunite again" you joked pulling her in to you and squeezing her tight.
"I love you sweetheart see you tonight" you said kissing her forehead before letting her go. Severus gave her a small quick hug not wanting to draw attention to himself, a few people picked up on it and stared at him with weird looks that soon disappeared after he sent them a deathly glare.
"See you there" Severus said with a very small smile.

You watched as her and Remus walked over and boarded the train. Draco came through himself sending you a quick wave before boarding as well.
"Wonder where his parents are" Severus said
"They came and got Nora last night, they seemed to be distracted" you said looking around for a ginger.
"Distracted with what?" Severus asked
"I don't know, whatever it was it seemed serious"
Just then Molly and her bunch came through the barrier with Harry per usual.
"I'll be right back" you spoke quickly leaving his side

"Molly!" You exclaimed with a wide welcoming smile
"Oh y/n! How are you?" Molly asked pulling you in to a hug as Arthur handed a galleon to each of his kids as Ron complained it wasn't enough.
"I'm good, how have you all been?" You asked
As she answered you looked around trying to find the rat Sirius was talking about. The train horn blew and Molly stopped talking to bid her children goodbye as they all ran to the train.
You saw the rat in it's cage at the bottom of the trolley, picking it up quickly.
"Is this Ron's" you asked Molly with the intention of offering to take it with you and giving it to him.
"Oh yes!" She exclaimed taking it from your hand and rushing over to the now moving train shouting for Ron and handing it over to him.
"Don't lose him!!!" She shouted at the boy

You sighed in defeat watching as Sirius' freedom disappeared down the railroad track. While staring in disappointment a large hand squeezed your shoulder.
"Are you ready?" He asked
"Yeah" you responded in a whisper
He took your hand in his and within seconds you were outside your house. Without letting go of his hand you pulled him up the walk way and inside your home, letting go once inside.
"I just need to grab my things and I'll be right down" you said going upstairs to your room.
After you had everything ready and packed away you went back down, Severus took your trunks from you holding them in both hands.
"Are you ready?" He asked with a concerned look
You nodded and linked your arm with his.

The both of you stood staring at the giant doors that lead inside the castle, your grip on his arms tightened as your heart beat sped up. Small quick flashes of the last time you were here flooding your head as you tried your hardest not to think of it. Severus set your trunks down and took your hand in his squeezing it gently as he guided you in to the castle, your belongings floating along behind you.
"You have a whole new bigger living space, I asked that dumbledore gave you a different office as well" he said as you both walked down the corridors.
He stopped at a door before stepping aside allowing you to open it yourself.

You took a shaky breath before twisting the handle and pushing the door open. It was a lot brighter than your other room, considering the multiple windows.
As the other there was a kitchenette to the right of the living room which was a bit larger than the last.
The bedroom and bathroom were larger as well.
The hardware seemed very new, more modern than the rest of the castle.
"What do you think?" Severus asked cautiously
"I think it's nice, much larger and brighter"
"Would you like to see your new classroom?"
"I got a new classroom as well?" You asked
"Yes, dumbledore thought it best to get you in to newer places after last years events" he said the last part with a tightened jaw obviously still angry
"Oh, right" you whispered
"After I'm done showing you to your class and office I'll leave you to unpack and get settled" he said leading you out of your chambers.

"Here's your classroom, your office is just around the corner at the end of the corridor" he said
you looked around your classroom making sure you had everything you needed for the year before going down to your office which wasn't anything much.
Finally you made it back to your chambers to unpack and get settled in once again.

After you put the last of your clothes up, it was almost time for the students to be arriving. Which meant you had to meet with the rest of the professors. extremely anxious you made your way to the great hall to await the students. When you walked in Remus was already there among others, this could only mean the students were on the boats.

"Rem, how was your ride?" You asked
"It was pleasant, aside from the dementor" he said
"Dementor?" You asked confused and alarmed
"Yes it was searching for Sirius, harry fainted"
"Oh that poor boy, is he okay?"
"Yes, he's fine but you know how nasty those things can be made everyones a bit gloomy"
You nodded in acknowledgment.

Several people welcomed you back, including dumbledore and Minerva. You didn't see septima anywhere, as you thought of where she could be dumbledore approached you and stated that she had resigned to work for the ministry. He then introduced you to the person that would be taking over.
Professor Mariam, a soft spoken brunette with circle framed glasses. She was a little shy but very sweet.

Minerva announced the students had arrived. You sat next to Mariam wanting to get to know her more. There was something about her you found interesting. Remus sat to your right as she your left, leaving Severus to Remus' right annoying him.
The doors opened and the older students flooded in and sat at their house tables. The sorting hat at the very front on a stool. You all waited a few more minutes until Minerva came in, along with a crowd of first years. Their little faces beaming with eagerness, excitement, amazement, a few a bit frightened as the older students gazed upon them.

Dumbledore said a few words before the ceremony begun, which wasn't as exciting as last years.
After it had ended and they all sat with the rest of their house mates, dumbledore went over the rules per usual and a few new things before the feast started. You talked with Mariam while you ate.
Before you knew it, it was time for the students to go to their dorm rooms. You walked out of the great hall and back to your own room ready to sleep. School wouldn't officially start until the day after tomorrow so you could sleep in as long as you pleased.

Hours passed from that thought and you laid uncomfortable and sleep deprived, Sirius' words lingering in your mind along with the abuse you suffered in that very castle. Every small creek, howl or shutter made you flinch and your heart race. You of course knew this was how it would be which was a big reason you didn't want to come back. You laid on your back staring up at the ceiling listening to the wood break in the fire place, your vision started to fade in and out until finally you were asleep.

So sorry for the long break I took from updating, I had lost all motivation to write anything. I completely forgot my story line so I don't know where to take this, but I will try to think of something interesting to keep it going. I had this chapter half done so I thought I'd finish it and publish it in the meantime, though it is dull. If you are still reading I'll be sure to get this next chapter going and uploaded asap!<3

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