Big Hero Sick

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~Time Skip to Monday~

Hiro's POV

I went to school very early today. I stopped by my locker to pick up my stuff. Gogo should be here and going with me but I guess she'll be running a bit late.

I sighed and went to Physics class alone. The bell rang and still no sign of her. Right now, our teacher is giving us a lecture on how to solve for the acceleration and stuff. But my mind was a total blur. Instead of listening, I was thinking of other things.

When the class ended, I nervously looked around for Gogo. She's still not here. As I was going to my locker, an unexpected guest bumped me.

"Hi Hiro," Abigail said, all friendly-like.

"Hi," I said and walked right past her.

Once I was in my locker, I dropped my things and changed them for the next subject. I slammed it shut and Abigail appeared again.

I sighed in annoyance. "What is it that you want anyway?"

"Can I go with you? Just for today?" she asked. "I can see you're all alone."

I can't believe this girl! She's already hanging out with me ever since in seventh grade! And seriously need a break from the case of Hanging-Out-with-Abigail-Alone.

"Thanks but no thank you," I told her. Then, I just left her there and I went to my next class.

~Lunch Time~

I quietly ate my lunch on our usual table. I felt that my friends and my brother's eyes are on me.

"Hiro, are you okay?" Tadashi said, checking on me.

"I'm fine," I mumbled.

"Do you miss Gogo?" Wasabi asked.

"Maybe," I lied.

He narrowed his eyes. "Seems like it."

Well, I couldn't lie to my friends. So I nodded.

"Hey, you know what," Honey started talking. "I know the reason why Gogo's not here."

She reached down to her bag to get her phone. "She has a message for you," she said. When she was done, she handed me her phone. I read Gogo's message quietly.

Hi, Hiro. I know you are looking for me everywhere in school. I am actually here at home in bed because I got a fever. My mom said that I'll be fine and if I take a lot of rest, I can go to school tomorrow.

And if you want to talk with something, I'll be here at home. :)

"She's sick?" I interrogated. All of them nodded. I handed over the phone back to Honey and rose abruptly from the table.

"Hiro, where are you going?" asked Fred.

"I'm going to Gogo's house," I replied. "And if ever I won't be attending classes this afternoon, just send Tadashi our homework."

Then without another word to them, I rushed to my lab to get Baymax and to my locker to get my things. I ran to Gogo's house as quickly as I should. After a few minutes, I reached my destination.

I was about to ring the doorbell when Gogo's mother opened it. I introduced myself politely and asked where Gogo is. She told me that she's just upstairs, resting. And since I'm here, she asked me to take care of her because she will be going to work. I agreed and left Gogo with my good hands.

As I reached her bedroom door, I knocked on it and opened it. There, I saw Gogo on bed with a blanket.

"Hi, Hiro," she said weakly. "Never knew you'd come."

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