Surprise! (Part 1)

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Gogo's POV

Today's the day! And I just hope that today's going to be a perfect day. I woke up bright and early. I took a bath, put on my clothes and rushed downstairs to eat breakfast.

"Good morning, mom!" I said cheerfully.

"Good morning, sweetie," my mom said. "I cooked your favorite type of breakfast."

I gasped. "Chocolate covered-syrup pancakes and toast! Thanks, mom."

She beamed. "You're welcome. Oh, and someone wanted to have you this." She reached into her robe and gave me a piece of paper.

"Happy birthday, dear," she said as she handed me the paper.

I thanked her as I opened the paper. I think I just heard her giggle. As I opened it, I almost died because I thought that it's a letter from dad. Instead, it was a rhyme with a mix of directions.

This is going to be the day

That will be surely surprising.

Follow the end of the string

That will guide your way.

I tilted my head and asked my mom, "What string?"

"Right there," she pointed behind me. And there, I saw a purple string going to the door.

"I guess I better get going," I said. "Who knows what surprise does this person have in store for me?"

My mom chuckled. "Well, the best way to start is to follow the string."

"I'll see you later, mom. Bye!" I said as I exited the door. As what the message told me, I followed the string with my bike. A few minutes later, it lead me to SFIT. I can see no end yet because it is going inside the building.

I hurriedly went to the building and pursued the string, still. Coincidentally, it ended to my locker. Weird. I always go to my locker first and wait for Hiro here. Sad to say, I didn't see him. I opened it and a paper fell out. I opened it and it's another note with the rhyme. Again! I hardly get any notes.

Now, that you've arrived

It's time to get going.

Wait until the bell will ring

Then to a class that deals speed.

A class that deals speed? Hmm. Well, it's not Biology nor Chemistry. So the answer is Physics. As I thought of the answer, the bell rang for first period. So I did go to my Physics class, since it's my first period.

I just realized something. Hiro's not here yet. He usually goes with me, like, everyday. But I guess he will be late today. I sat on my Physics class alone. The teacher already arrived when I took a seat. He discussed the theories of light and if it's a particle or wave. As soon as his lecture was over, he gave us homework. That was fast. Right now, we can do anything we want as long as we're noisy. Since he's not here, I just sat there thinking about him. Maybe he's absent today because he had an appointment. Or maybe—

"Ms. Tomago?" the teacher called for my attention. I looked at him and he motioned me to come to him.

Am I in big trouble? If yes, that will not be good. I hesitated to come but I obeyed. As soon as I neared his desk, I asked him, "Is there any problem, sir?"

"Not really," he said. "I just called you to say that you're doing well in my class."

"Oh," I mumbled. "Thank you so much."

"You're welcome. And as a gift from me to you, I want you to have this."

He handed me a paper. Before he dismissed me, he told me, "Open it on your desk." And there, he dismissed me. At the moment I sat down, I opened the paper. Another rhyme?

You're fast as a lightning can be.

Find again the end of the string

Which will lead you to a place

Where literature is found.

Ask anyone, if that person is around

To get a piece of paper for your journey.

Lead you to a place where literature is found? Well, that's no-brainer. The answer is the library. I stuck the note in one of my notebooks and the teacher dismissed us. The last person out was me and I looked up. Magically, the purple string appeared again. I followed it, just like the note said.

I arrived at the library in no-time at all. And the string ended there. I walked inside and looked around. No librarian but only a girl who is reading a book about hearts. Maybe she could help me find the librarian.

"Um, excuse me," I interrupted her. "Do you know where the librarian is?"

"Sad to say, she's not here," she answered.

"Oh," I mumbled. "Well thanks for helping me, though."

She sent me a warming smile. "No problem."

I almost exited the place when she called me. She told me to come and gave me another piece of paper. I opened it and it said:

Any moment by now,

Your next class starts.

Before you leave this place,

Find a book about hearts.

Open it on the fifteenth page.

You will find the next phase

Of your journey that you know.

So don't be slow.

I think I already found the book about hearts. And coincidentally, the girl left it on the table. I quickly opened it and to page fifteen, as the note said. There, I found again the next clue for my journey that the writer of these notes is taking me to.

You don't want to get late

So don't dare wait

Off to the locker, you go

And now to a class

That students mostly gets low.

Obviously, everyone hates the subject Math. Better get going. I don't want to be late, just like it said.


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