Graduated At Last

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Third Person's POV

"Gogo, honey," said her mom as she helped Gogo put her toga on. Today's the big day that is going to change their life forever. Today is going to be their graduation and next school year, they are already going to college. Gogo plans that she is still going to enroll on SFIT.

"Yes, mom?" Gogo answered.

"Where are planning to go to college?" she asked her.

"Still in SFIT," she replied casually.

Her mom sighed. "You know what, someday you're going to be on your own. And maybe you're going to marry Hiro and start your own family. You're not going to need me and your father anymore."

She smiled and hugged her mom. "Mom, I still need you and dad, no matter how old I get."

"That's my girl," she said. "Now, we better get going. You don't want to get late."

They both hopped on their car and Gogo's mother drove on their way to SFIT. When they arrived, her mother helped Gogo to get out. She led the way going to the gymnasium, where the ceremony's going to be held.

"Hey, Gogo," someone called at her back. She turned around and saw her friends and the boy of her dreams. She told her mom that she'll be back. She went to them and greeted them. Of course, Hiro gave her a hug and a peck on the cheek.

"I can't believe this is the day," Honey enthused. "The day that we're graduating in high school."

"Yeah," Fred said. "And summer's already here! Time to get tanned. One of my goals."

They all laughed. Hiro and Gogo exchanged looks and smiled to each other.

"Where are going to college, Hiro?" asked Gogo.

"Still here," he answered modestly. "How about you?"

"Maybe I will stay here."


She smiled. "I just said 'maybe'."

"If you say so."

When they finished conversing, the graduates were already called because the ceremony's about to start.

"Okay, okay," Honey called for their attention as she grabbed her phone and set it. "Picture, picture guys."

On her command, everyone gathered to Honey Lemon and they all smiled for the camera. When they were done, they all lined up.

~Time Skip~

The gang did a group hug as the ceremony ended because they have already graduated high school at last. Abigail saw Hiro and Gogo talk to each other. Jealousy was again sprang into her but she already got over it because she already found her special someone in her life.

"Hey, Abby," someone called at her back. As she turned, a blush and a grin stole her face. She walked over to Wasabi who was calling to come over to them.

"Hi Wasabi," she said shyly.

"Yeah, hi."

Her attention was again back to Hiro who is still with Gogo. She already got over it but she really can't forgive herself. After all, everything she did towards Hiro was all a taken for granted. Abigail sighed, not really sure what to do. She will never ever forgive herself if she haven't asked forgiveness to the two of them.

"Earth to Abigail," snapped Wasabi.

"Oh, uh," she said looking startled.

Wasabi noticed that there's something that she's dealing with so she asked her, "Are you okay?"

She shook her head. "It's just that I want to regret everything I've done to Hiro and Gogo for being so selfish," she explained. "Saying those words is very difficult for me to say it. Every time I will try to apologize to them, I can't open my mouth. Trust me, if I didn't do it, I will die for sure."

He put his hand on her shoulder and gave her the best advice he could ever give her. "I know it's tough to say it but sometimes you just have to let it go. And I know them both. They will forgive you, no matter what."

"You think so?"

"Yeah. After all, they're my friends."

Abigail hesitated. Sure, Wasabi's right about one thing but what she fears is that maybe Gogo will get mad. Think positive, thought Abigail. She summoned all her courage and at last she was ready to go.

When she approached her, she reluctantly tapped on Gogo's shoulder. Gogo turned around and said hi.

"Uh, Gogo," she started talking. "I-I'm sorry, Gogo."

Gogo tilted her head, looking terribly confused. "Sorry for what?" she asked.

"For everything I've done between you and Hiro," she admitted. "Look, I know you might not quite remember what I did for the past few months but-"

"Okay, that's enough," Gogo said softly. "Of course I remember. Like the first time I met you was quite, um..."

"Un-friendly-like?" Abigail hunched.

She nodded. "When Hiro introduced me to you, I was actually looking forward to us being friends and all but I guess I was wrong."

"No. I am the one who's wrong, not you. I guess I just truly misjudge you. And I think the saying 'Everyone deserves a chance' is true. I should have given you that." She paused. "Forgive me?"

Gogo smiled and hugged her. "I forgive you. After all, if we're enemies, we can always be friends."

She gasped. "Friends?"

"Uh-huh," she answered. "Friends. Or in other words like in the past, frienemies?"

Abigail shook her head. "Friends is better."

"If you say so," she said. Then her eyes lit up. "Hey, why don't you come with us to the café? We're going to celebrate on our success."

"Oh, no thank you," she said apologetically. "I should be back now with my father. He doesn't like to wait long."

"Why don't you two come over?" offered Gogo. "I'm sure Hiro's aunt won't mind if I invite you over."

"Okay, I'll ask."

She dashed off to find her father. When he agreed, Abigail told Gogo that it's okay. Both of them with their friends and family headed out the gymnasium and went to the café to celebrate on their success.


You know what they say, "It's good to forgive and forget."

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