Surprise! (Part 2)

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Gogo"s POV

I can't believe that my special day dragged on and on and on and on like forever. The note lead me to my Math class then the teacher gave me a rhyming note, leading me to Astronomy, my next class after Math. And I did.

Now that I thought about it, I think the writer of these notes must really know my class schedule well and is taking me somewhere. But who is the question, exactly? There's just too many possibilities.

I sat on my Astronomy class and our teacher discussed about the Big Bang Theory. When the bell rang, I quickly went to my locker. I'm starving! After all of those notes, I really could use a snack. I opened my locker door and another note fell out. Seriously? When is this going to stop?

I opened it and it said:

I know you want to take your lunch

But I need you to go now to this last place.

This is where you are experimenting,

Inventing, discovering and tinkering things.

So, what's your hunch?

Well, this one is the toughest one I ever had. But if I'm correct, the writer of these notes is taking me to the library. Well, I guess food will have to wait, then.

I quickly rushed to my lab. As I got there, the lights were off and there was another note hung on the door. It said:

Open the door.

Let the light spark

To banish the dark

And see what's in store.

I took a deep breath as I slowly opened my lab door. Oh, come on, Gogo. There's nothing to be afraid of. Besides, it's your lab, anyway. I turned the lights on and...

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GOGO!" they chanted aloud.

My jaws dropped in total surprise. So that's what the notes are about? They lead me into a... birthday... party... surprise...?

"You did this," I asked them. "For me?"

"Of course," Honey answered. "And a special girl must have something for her special today."

I shed a tear. And that's not just any tear. That's a tear of joy. I never knew that they would do this on my special day.

"Wow, guys," I sniffed. "I didn't know that you'd be that thoughtful."

"So what are we waiting for?" Fred announced. "Let's eat!"

"We know you're already hungry because of those rhyming notes lying around school," Tadashi added. Did Tadashi wrote them?

Wasabi already handed us plates with food on them. I nervously looked around for Hiro. I couldn't believe that he's not here. Even on my special day. This can't be happening! Where is he? I wanted to ask Tadashi where he is. But I hesitated.

I finished my food and saw that there was no dessert to eat. How can you celebrate a birthday when you don't have cake?

"Uh, guys," I asked them. "Where's cake?"

"Behind you," replied Wasabi.

I turned around and saw the cake. But why is it—

"Happy birthday," Hiro told me, as he stuck his head out of it so that he can be seen. "Here's the cake order that you've been looking for."

I blushed. "Why, thank you, Hiro." It has purple frosting all around it and was topped with fifteen candles that were striped purple and black.

"Hey, why don't you make a wish," he told me. "And when you do it, don't make a bish."

I shut my eyes closed and made a wish. I slowly opened them and blew off the candles. As I blew them off, he set it on the table. They sliced it and ate but not us.

"Aren't you going to eat, you two?" asked Tadashi with a look of concern.

Hiro and I shook our heads at the same time. I saw Honey grin. Hey, if I'd known better, she grinned because we shook our heads at the same moment. And that thing is called "coincidence." Or perhaps I misinterpreted it?

Everyone is busy chatting. When they are, Hiro whispered to my ear, "Come with me." We quietly slipped away from the lab. He grabbed my hand and took me to the bridge where we always hang out. We just stood there, taking a glimpse of the view.

"Wonderful view, isn't it?" I said, breaking the silence off.

"Uh-huh," he complimented. "Just like you."

I blushed so hard that I thought that my head's going to explode. Should I ask him why he's not around the whole day? Nope. That's way too risky.

"Um, Gogo," he called for my attention. "I want you to have this."

I tilted my head as he reached into the pocket of his jacket. He handed me a piece of paper. I stared at it then I looked at him.

"Well," he insisted. "Why don't you open it?"

I sighed and opened it. And guess what's inside?

Another rhyming note. When is this going to stop? When?

I read it quietly. When I was finished, I arched an eyebrow to him.

He took the paper from me. "Here, let me read it for you."

He cleared his throat and recited the words written in that paper.

"Sorry if you didn't see me the whole day

Because I was planting notes and strings on your way.

I hope you understand.

I was also the one who planned it all.

And I know it's just plain and small.

So now I ask you:

Did you like the surprise?"

Wait a minute. I just remembered something. On the first day of school, he asked me if what's my first class. I told the subject and he also told me his. So, we're attending the same class. Then, I handed my class schedule and he did the same. We're quite startled because we have the same classes for the whole year.

"So you were the one who lead me into this confusion," I said in realization.

Hiro shrugged modestly. "It's no biggie. I thought that we wanted to give something special on you birthday. And thanks to the gang I—"

I interrupted him by giving him a kiss on the cheek. "You don't need to explain," I said softly. "I knew it was you all along."

He blushed profusely as I continued, "And I don't like the surprise."

His face fell. I gave him a hug and whispered, "I loved it."

I pulled away from the hug and he beamed at me. I also smiled back.

"I think we should get going," he said.

"Guess we should," I agreed. He held my hand and went into the building. He helped me bring my stuff and we walked together to Chemistry class.

Thanks to Hiro, this was my best birthday ever.


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