Winterful Snowskation

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Winterful for "wonderful." Snowskation for "snow" and "skating" add it up to "sensation." Get what I mean?

Oopsie! Spoiled it! Never mind.

Moving on...


~One Month Later~

Hiro's POV

I woke up at the right side of my bed next morning. It was Saturday so it means I'm free to do anything I want. As I got up, I saw frost on the window near me. I just shrugged and walked to my desk.

Whoa, what? Frost?

I checked again the window to see if it's still there. I rubbed my eyes to see if it's not a dream. Yep, the frost is still there. I rushed to the window and looked down.

Snow is falling! Awesome!

"Psst," I called to Tadashi, trying to wake him up. "Bro, wake up!"

"Few more minutes," he groaned.

Okay, then. But when it comes to snow, we usually play outside like having a snowball fight with our friends and also have ice skating, if were lucky to find an ice to skate on.

So if Dashi won't wakey wake, maybe this will wake him. I quickly went out to get some snow. Then, I went back up to throw a snowball at his face. I was 2 meters away from him and bull's eye! It was hit right on his face.

As I threw it to him, he woke up and noticed that there was snow on his face. He looked up to check if the ceiling is broken and if it was giving him snow. Or maybe he thought that it's snowing inside.

I chuckled at my very cool interpretation of his mind. And in a flash, Tadashi also threw a snowball at me. I wanted to go on with the fight but no. We should do it outside, like we used to.

"Okay, you've got one point, bro," I teased. "But let's do it outside."

"Game on," Tadshi said with a determined look on his face. "But let me call our friends."

"Well, meet you at the park," I called to him.

I went downstairs, grabbed my coat and skates. I trudged down the snow to go to the park where we are going to meet.

Hmm, maybe Gogo would like to come. So I veered right going to her house. In no time at all, I reached her house. I knocked on her door.

She opened it and said, "Hi, Hiro? I didn't expect you to come!" She looked at me and spotted my skates. "Going ice skating?"

I nodded. "Wanna come?"

"Sure! My mom's not here until 4. Be right back."

In just the matter of time, she was dressed-up for winter and had her skates on one of her shoulder. She locked the door and went to the park with me.

We arrived and Honey Lemon, Tadashi, Wasabi and Fred were there. Honey waved to us so we can come to them.

Once we reached them, Fred spoke before we could, "So, you invited Gogo, huh?"

"What's wrong with being invited?" Gogo retorted.

"Nothing," he said.

"Shall we get going?" asked Wasabi.

We all trudged through the misty and cold weather. In two minutes, we arrived at the place we usually skate. We sat down on the bench and put our skates on. Tadashi, Honey, Fred and Wasabi are already on the ice. They all followed the path which will us somewhere.

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