Stay Away

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Abigail's POV

First class for this afternoon: Math. You know what, this is one of my hatest subjects. Not to mention I always get a C- grade in my card. Close to getting a failing grade. My father knows and understands that I'm not really good at this subject so he mentors me. But still has no effect. Know why? Here's why.

It's just because of Hiro. Every single day of life, I always think about him. I always doodle on my notebook. I've been crushing on him since seventh grade but he doesn't seem to notice. Also, I've been trying to get his attention everyday.

And thanks to his new girlfriend, Gogo, whatsoever her name I would love to call her, he is already distant to me. And I will do everything to make him mine.

I shook my head and quickly went to class. While I was walking by the hallways, I saw Hiro with Gogo. Again! I hate seeing them being together. I can see them giggling and talking. I tried not to see them.

"Abigail," Hiro called me. But he's busy. I pretended not to hear him and just continued on my way.

~Time Skip~

We were being dismissed in class early. Very good! I don't need to worry about my mathematical headache. But I hate the feeling that you have to solve a complex word problem. But I need to try. Just try to solve it.

I stopped by on my locker to prepare for my next class. I didn't see Hiro or Gogo anywhere this time. I went to her locker to check if it's locked. I know her locker number because Hiro and Gogo are locker neighbors. Lucky me, it is not locked. I ran back to my locker and grabbed a piece of paper and pen. I scribbled something on it. When it was finished, I stuck it on Go Go's locker, hoping that she will read it.

Since, there is ten minutes left until the next class, I went to the restroom to beautify myself. I just hope my plan work. Ha, ha, ha. I will get you Gogo.

~Seven minutes later~

Gogo's POV

I was skipping on the hallways. Alone. Yep, you heard that right. I am just alone. I don't know where Hiro's going but I know he'll be back.

I opened my locker and something fell. I picked it up. It is a note! It read:

Gogo Tomago,

When class is out, come at the school garden alone. We will talk.

If you don't know the way to the garden, I will give you directions. Let Hiro show you the way and leave you there.

Don't be late! -Abigail

Okay, so the note came from Abigail. What does she want to talk about, anyway? About Hiro?

I sighed and put the paper in my bag. The bell rang. I closed my locker shut and went to class.

~Time Skip~

Now that school's out, I need to know why she wants to talk. I picked up my stuff and shut my locker close.

"In a hurry?" asked Hiro.

I nodded. We walked out of the building and stopped. I hesitated. I think I don't want to go anymore. But still, I'm curious on something that Abigail wants to tell me. Then, if you want to know the answer, go then, Gogo.

"What's wrong?" Hiro checked on me.

I sighed. "Do you know which way to the school garden?"

"Of course I do," Hiro remarked. "Do you want me to show you the way?"

"Um, sure," I agreed.

He led the way and I pursued him. In two minutes, we arrived.

"What are you going to do here, anyway?" asked Hiro curiously.

"I am just, uh, waiting for, um, a friend," I responded nervously.

"Oh," he mumbled. "Want some company?"

I shook my head no. "It's fine. I can manage on my own."

"If you say so." He paused. "See you on Monday?"

"Yeah, see you."

I grinned and waved him good-bye. When he was gone, I heard someone clap. I turned my back and I saw Abigail with a smirk.

"That was a nice scene," she complimented.

"What is it that you want to talk about?" I asked her patiently.

"Simple," she said. "I just need you to stay away from Hiro."

"Why would I have to do that?" I inquired. "He is just being friends with me. Nothing's wrong with that."

"Nothing's wrong with that?" she repeated my last sentence. "He is with you all the time because he likes you more than me."

"Are you saying that you're jealous because you want us to be separated and make Hiro yours?" I challenged her.

She gasped. "I'm not jealous, Gogo. You just don't belong here."

She turned her back and uttered her last words to me, "You don't know the first thing about friendship."

And she stalked away. I was just being friends with Hiro. Nothing's really wrong with that. And also, I don't want to have a fight over one boy. Maybe, she just doesn't understand.

I sighed and went to Honey Lemon's house to talk about anything. When we were done, I went home. I greeted my mom and went upstairs to have a shower. After that, I ate dinner silently. We washed the dishes and went to our separate ways. As I laid down on the bed, there was a ring on my phone. Hmm. Who could that be?


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