ch. 12

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I fumble with the phone in my hand. Should I do it? Or should I not? What will Andi think if I just call and ask for her brother's number?

Last night I had a revelation. Yes, I really need to stop chasing after this dream, finding Mr. Right and settling down, and start appreciating the fact that I have a well-paid job I love doing, friends and family that care for me. That's more than other people have.

But at the same time I can't deny I have feelings for Danny. I don't know what they are yet, it's hard to describe, but I know I have to talk to him, get certain things off my chest.

I press the dial button and wait for my phone to ring.

Hey Louise, what's up?

Hey, um can you do me a favor?

Sure. What is it?

Can you give me Danny's number?

Louise, I don't kn-

Please! It's important. I promise I won't pass it on. Please! It's urgent.

I hear her sigh on the other end of the line. I can tell she wants to ask questions but is holding back.

Ok. I'll text you.

Thank you. I'll talk to you soon.

I hang up and wait for her text. It feels like I've been waiting for ages when my phone beeps. I stare at the number, then quickly save it in my contacts.

Suddenly I panic. What am I doing here? This is so unlike me! I'm never this daring in my private life.

I run to the kitchen and search in the shelves and cabinets until I find what I'm looking for. Quickly I unscrew the cap and take a generous sip. The liquid warms my throat and eases my nerves a bit.

Okay. Now I'm ready.

Danny, hi. It's Louise.


Yeah, um... Andi gave me your number.


Because I asked for it?

Oh. What's up?

Um, are you busy at the moment?

No, why?

I'd like to meet up with you. In that café we hung out the other day.

Okay? Right now?

If it's not a hassle...

No, I'll be there in 30 minutes.

Okay, see you there.

I hang up immediately and throw the phone on the bed. What did I do? Now I won't have time to think about what I should say!?

Then maybe you'll just say what you really want, the voice in my head replies.

Half an hour later I enter the café and I'm really surprised to see him already waiting for me.

"Hi." I say as I sit down across from him.

"So? What's so important?"

"Okay! I wanted to meet you because I have something to tell you. I'm not great at this so bear with me. And also don't interrupt me."

"Got it!" He makes a gesture with his fingers as if to zip up his mouth and I take a deep breath.

Okay, here goes nothing.

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