ch. 17

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"You mean to tell me they almost casted your ex as the video girl?"

"She was amongst the girls the producer picked." Danny states dryly.

"So instead you picked the random girl who then became your girlfriend? You have to admit that's pretty funny."

He's not laughing.

"How many of your ex's were models? Wait! No, don't answer that."

"I only had two ex's."

"I don't want to know about that. Just remind me to never agree to be in your videos."

Silence fell upon the table. Everyone knew why I asked Danny about his ex. There was a recent article about her, two years after they broke up. I stumbled upon it while I googled Danny's name. Guess he regularly googles himself too.

"That's all in the past now."

"Yeah, only sometimes the past comes back to haunt us. Or win us back." I add under my breath.

"You need to stop worrying."

"I can't. And I really wish you would understand why I can't."

"I do. I understand."

"No. I'm sorry, but you don't! You still think I'm overreacting. If you were in my place wouldn't you be cautious too?"

"Cautious, yes. Paranoid, no."


"He didn't mean it like that!" Mark chimes in, trying to defuse the situation.

"I know exactly how he meant it." I retort and watch Danny get up off his seat and storm outside.

"Great!" Mark sighs.

"Excuse me? You're on his side? Oh my god of course you are. You know what? Forget about it. Let's change the subject."

"Lou, this is tough for him too. He's not used to- he's not used to it." Glen's struggling for words.

"Not used to what? Spill it!"

"Dealing with insecure women. Usually he prefers those who are a bit more.......confident." Mark replies instead.


"We're not saying you're not confident, but you're questioning his loyalty and that messes with his head." Glen adds.

"Then maybe we should call it quits. The sooner the better."

"Don't be so harsh. All he wants is to earn your trust."

I sigh. "I'm gonna go look for him."


"Here you are. What are you doing? It's cold. Come back inside." I say while stroking his back. He doesn't turn around. But at least he's not pulling away from my touch either.

"I'm sorry. I know it sucks. I'm really trying, but these insecurities they won't disappear overnight, you know."

"You're fine one moment, and miserable the next. We take one step forward, and three back."

"I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault. It's mine. But I can't erase the past, Louise. You have to learn to deal with it."

"I'm not asking you to. All I need is for you to be patient. And forgive me if I take steps back. But I'd understand if you're not willing to wait."

"I can be patient."

"That's all I'm asking for. Time to adjust. I never knew anything about my ex's dating history. Never wanted to. Never asked. Now it's being shoved into my face. And it's only going to get worse."

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