ch. 35

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I wake up to the annoying sound of my phone buzzing under the pillow. I look at the screen and dismiss the call. Next to me the bed is empty. The covers are pulled back but the mattress is still warm.

I grunt and pull back my own covers, shivering as I'm exposed to the cold air in the room.

I follow the clattering noise of dishes being put away all the way back to the kitchen. The light that is coming through the window is blinding me and I shield my eyes automatically and because now I can't see where I'm going I collide with the fridge.

"You're up? I wanted to surprise you with breakfast!"

"I can go back to bed and act surprised!"

"No. Stay."

So I sit down, yawning and rubbing my eyes, as a big mug of coffee is being placed in front of me.

"Breakfast will be ready soon."

"Did anyone tried to call you?"

"No. Why?"

"Well, I got three calls last night. And a forth one this morning. That's what woke me up."

"Does anyone know you're here?"



"Did you hear from Danny?" I ask Glen while he's reading the morning paper.


"What about Andi?" I press on.

"I don't know. Listen, can we drop this please? He's a grown-up, I don't want to have to babysit him."

"I understand. It's just- he was really pissed when he left last night."

"I know. He most likely went to Lou's."

"No, he didn't. If he did she would've called me."


I watch Glen take out his phone and typing a short message. Then he places it next to him. A minute later he picks it up again to type in another short message.

I don't ask. If he wants to tell me, he will.


It is so not like Danny to ignore my calls. Last night I was convinced he's just mad, but now, now I'm not so sure anymore. What if something bad happened to him?

He was mad when he left, probably went straight to a pub. Got drunk. Maybe he started a fight? Did he got mugged?

"C'mon, answer!" I whisper as I press the phone to my ear.

Ringing. But no one's picking up.

"Damn!" I say grabbing my coat and the house keys.


There's a knock on the door. Followed by loud pounding. Emily looks up in anticipation. She doesn't speak, but I know what she's thinking.

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