ch. 4

829 18 5

[10/15/2014 - Paris 11am]


Paris looks exactly the way I left it. Streets busy as ever, people strolling on the sidewalks or enjoying a coffee in one of the countless cafés. The driver, one of Agnes' employees, who picked me up at the airport is trying to engage me in a conversation about the weather and politics.

I've been away for quite some time, I say in perfect french and I'm glad he got the clue.

I notice he makes a right turn onto Boulevard Malesherbes and I realize he's taking me to see Agnes. Ten minutes later the car stops in front of Next Model Management. I thank him and get out. Before I shut the door close he informs me that he's been instructed to take my luggage to the nearby Hyatt hotel, in which Agnes has already booked a room for me. I smile and thank him again.

I arrive on the 5th floor and see the receptionist's desk on the far right corner. Luckily Agnes stepped out of her office and is standing next to the receptionist, waiting for my arrival.

When she sees me approaching she starts walking towards me and we embrace in a bone-crushing hug in the middle of the corridor.

"It's so good to see you again, chérie!"

"You too!" I exclaim, and only then realize how much I missed her.

"Come, we have a lot to talk about."

She leads me to her office and shots the receptionist angry looks. Don't let anyone interrupt me, she orders in french and shuts the door behind her.

"Tell me, how have you been? How is London?" She asks while she's pouring some coffee in a cup. The heavenly scent of roasted coffee beans fills the room and I graciously take the cup she offers me.

"Good," I lie but Agnes immediately catches on. "It's tough but things are starting to get better."

She knows I'm referring to the book and her whole face lights up.

"Did someone offer you a deal? Is the book gonna get published?"

"Yes, actually I got offered a deal yesterday!"

"Oh, I see. You are having second thoughts." It's not a question. Agnes knows me inside out.

"It's just that my publisher thinks I should step out to the front more."

"And you don't want to. But why? What are you afraid of?"

"Here. I brought you a copy. Read it and tell me if you would sign your name underneath it if you were me. In the meantime I'll go for a walk."

I hand her a copy of the manuscript and smile at her. She takes it and sits down behind her big desk.

I decide to go out for a walk around Place Vendôme which is always filled with both Parisians and foreign tourists.

As I'm looking at the neatly decorated shopping windows I feel someone tap my shoulder. I turn around abruptly and look into the eyes of Elise, a fellow model and my flat mate of a few months back in the day.

"Elise, OMG! So good to see you again!" We hug and when we let go of each other I notice she's with company.

"This is Pierre, and this little guy is Jaques, my son." She adds proudly.

My mouth forms an 'O' shape but I quickly hug her again. I'm so happy to see she found a guy to settle down with. I can tell she's happy, too.

"What are you doing here? Are you back in Paris?" She eventually asks, her voice full of hope.

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