Chapter Nine

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John's P.O.V
I sat down in a practice room with my bass in my lap as my thoughts were scattered around Freddie the whole time making it difficult to play my bass. I sighed warming up my fingers doing different scales, chords and triads until I heard singing.

And I only know one person who can sing like that.


Getting up, I decided to go watch. I knew how shy he could be but I hope he didn't mind. Quietly sneaking in, I sat down nearby on the bar watching him play while singing that song he sang to me when he sang to me for the first time. Staring at him in mesmeration and admiration, he stopped leaning forward but stopped and turned around.

I said, " Nice job,"

He stared into my eyes asked, " Okay, were you there the whole time?"

I said, " Not the whole time, just got here. " He asked, "Did I sound okay?"

I smiled said, "You always sound nice," He said, " Good," I said, " Well, let's head to class the bells going to ring soon," He looked up at me standing up collecting all his supplies and grabbed my hand as we walked to English class together.
Today is Monday. Which means we have to present our projects. Everyone was looking at their projects last minute adding a few things as I pulled out our project. Freddie took a deep breath as he pulled out his yellow English folder which contained our essay. Freddie asked, " Who's going to do the speech part?"

I said, " Uhm..." Freddie looked in my eyes said, " Actually, I'll do the speech, you can do the PowerPoint part and showing the essay,"

I said, " Uh- Okay,"

Freddie smiled turning around waiting for class to start. I stared at his hair and started to play with it twisting it around my fingers gently.

Freddie said, " I can feel that," I smirked said, " Its so soft," Freddie chuckled as Ms. Kemp started doing attendance. I was suddenly nervous.

Even though I wasn't doing the speech. Still. Being up there in front of all those people. What if I trip? Or forget what I'm doing?! I can't fuck this up. "John?"

I said, " Oh! Here!" Ms. Kemp said, " Hm. Now! Time to present your projects! Now that everyone is here, I'll call everyone to present their projects in alphabetical order. So pay attention! Now, Mary Austin?"

I saw Mary jump up as her partner did too as they walked to the front of the class to present their projects.

Wait- Freddie's last name-


We're next.

I'm ded.

"Farrokh Bulsara?"

Freddie stood as I did to following suite. Don't fuck this up.
Freddie's P.O.V

As much as I was nervous, show must go on. I held my essay to my chest and when we got to the front I handed John the essay as when we were prepared. I said, " Hi!" Everyone waved.

I smiled said, " Well, our essay is about whether or not playing video games has either a negative or positive effect. We chose negative. Why? Well I'll tell you why!

Because, video games can cause tons of problems. Such as, staying up late just playing video games and that can mess up your sleeping schedule. Like, if you had school the next day and you stayed up late playing video games you'd be a mess and forget a lot.  So it's best you go to sleep at an appropriate time like... 11 or 10 PM.

Anyway! Another issue is you get major headaches. Form staring at a screen for like 50 thousand hours. Sooo- be sure to take a break your brain will thank you!"

"To wrap it up, video games also don't help you educationally speaking because it only makes you happy and doesn't teach you math or science. So it's best to play video games like for 2 hours. Soo yeah. That's it. Thanks for letting me present. See you later skater skater skrrrt skrrrt!"

And ran back to my desk sliding in my chair. John followed suite as everybody laughed for a minute.

John said, " Nice job!" As he ruffled up my hair. I smiled said, "Nice job to you, you did a great job too!"

He said, " I'm proud of you, you seemed pretty nervous but did our presentation like a champ!"

I said, " Thank you! So did you!"

He smiled blushing looking down as class continued.
Soon school was over, I made my way to my door having a big smile on my face the whole time. When I made it to my locker, I felt a pair of hands over my eyes. Smiling I heard, " Guess who!" I smirked said, " John?"

Getting my vision back, I felt his arms wrap around my waist in a hug as he said, " Hey!" I turned around said, " Hey darling," He giggle as I smiled glancing at his lips and leaned in holding his face in my hands pressing my lips against his, he seemed suprised but melted into it instantly.

Parting, John said, " W-Wow..." I smiled grabbed my backpack and OneWheel John seemed to already have all his stuff. We walked to the front I asked, " Where Brian and Roger?" John said, " Brian drove him home," I said, " Oh,"

I stepped on my hoverboard and waited for John to get situated.

We rode down the sidewalk on our way home. We were silent most of the way, lost in our own thoughts. Breaking the silence asked," Do you think we got a passing grade on our project?" John said," Yeah, you did a great job up there," I said," Thanks, so did you,"

He smiled as I rode next to him he asked, " What's going on between us?"

I said, " Well, we like eachother, and stuff, why do you want to be more than friends?" John pursed his lip blushing said," Y-Yeah,"

When we arrived at our houses. I stepped off my hoverboard as he did too. I stood in front of him said, " Me too," John smiled as I grabbed his waist pulling him close. John said, " Well, wanna go out tomorrow night?"

I said," Alright, where?"

He said, " The Ritz?"

I said, " Ooh, fancyyy,"

He giggled played with my hands before placing his hands on the balc of my neck I pulled him closer as we leaned in as I kissed him passionately dipping him down a little as he giggled in between our kisses as I smirked as we parted. He said, " See you later,"

I waved said, " See you," As we walked inside. Wow. I did it.

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