Chapter Twenty-Four

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John's P.O.V
Well, Freddie became friends with Elton today! Its crazy cause he's a big celebrity and all. But still. It's cool that he's an addition to our group.

I streched sitting up from my desk, and stared outside just pondering about school. The SAT mainly.

What if I fail?

What if its hard?

What if I act dumb and forget what I'm doing?!

The last question made me worry.

Mainly because everytime I do a test, studying the days before, I always forget and nearly fail! But end up passing with an A or B+. Still!

The SAT is different!

It's what all us students been working up to! I should be fine! Just like Bri said. "Don't fret about it!"


Just don't worry.

I sighed putting my homework away, trying my hardest to stop worrying. I already did my homework and studied a little more for the SAT that happened to be on Friday. Graduation was on the last day of school.

Personally, I should've started studying the day after the dance. I sighed remembering what happened that night. Oh. Lost my virginity that day. I blushed smirking and streched forgetting about it. I paced around my room wondering what to do to calm down.

"John? You okay?" I turned around Mom stood in the doorway leaning against it. I wonder if she was there the whole time... Hopefully she wasn't.

I ran my fingers through my hair said, " Yeah, I'm fine!" Mom sighed shaking her head smiling and walked in sitting on my chaise lounge crossed her legs asked, " What's the matter?"

I sighed plopped on the floor criss crossed said, " I'm just worrying about the SAT on Friday... I already studied today and these past few days... Well- after playing with my friends..."

Mom said, " Sooo...? You pass everything that gets put in front of you! There's nothing to worry about if your already prepared! All you have to do is just do the test and pass it!"

That's exactly what Roger said...

I said, " That's the thing. What if I don't pass it?! It'll ruin my beautiful clear record! I have to graduate! It'll ruin my life!" Mom said, " Whoa. Chill." She placed her hands on my shoulders which immediately got me calm. I don't know how she does it...

I sighed hugged her immediately.

Mom sighed said, " You'll pass. Your smart and you can do anything! I swear, you'll be fine just pass your test then next thing to talk about is graduation!" I asked, " What about graduation? All I'm doing is getting my diploma..." Mom said, " Yeah! We celebrate! But- we'll talk about that after your test! Alright?"

I smiled nodding.

Mom said, " Good. Now let's talk about that cake you and your friends made! Actually, why not bring them over so we can all eat it together?"

I said, " Oooh! Sure! That's a great idea!" Mom smiled ruffled my hair standing up and started heading downstairs.

I texted the group chat while in midsentence, and new number popped in.


Raising an eyebrow, I sighed.

Probably just Elton. Freddie must've invited him to the group chat.

I smiled continuing my text message and saw four grey speech bubbles with the grey dots. I waited patiently until I saw three different answers.


Sounds fun!

I was thinking about that cake all day!

Oooh, sounds cool!

I smiled jumping up heading downstairs to tell Mom about it.
I heard the doorbell and squealed I laughed at myself for fangirling like a girl. It's just my friends! Oh yeah!

Elton's coming along!

I smiled happily running downstairs opened the door said, " Hey guys!"

Brian, Roger, and Freddie waved. I asked, " Where's Elton?"

Elton said, "Heree," And bent over panting our of breath. Freddie said, "You sound like a dog," Elton glared at him fighting the urge to smile said, "Shut up!" I laughed said, " Come on in! Well- once Elton catches his breath." Elton smiled standing up and they all came in. I closed the door yelled, "Mom! They're here!"

Mom smiled said, " Alright! Bring them here John! You know what to do!" I smiled heading to the backyard Freddie, Elton, Roger and Brian following suite.

We all sat at the table and I went to go help Mom while everyone started talking amongst themselves.

I said, " Hi Mom! Want me to help!"

Mom nodded eyeing the cake as we carefully slid it into a box. Which made it mysteriously heavy.

We carried it to the table where everyone waited and carefully slid it onto the table. Freddie said, " Whoaa,"

I opened it up said, " Tada!"

Roger clapped his hands excitedly and Mom passed out plates and utensils.

I started slicing the cake into six pieces for everyone. Since there's six of us. Including Mom of course.

I passed a slice to whoever's passed me their plate. After that, I settled next to Freddie and Mom said, " So! Your new!" Elton looked up from his slice said, "Me? Oh! Yes, I'm Elton. Elton John. " Mom said, " Oh! Well. It's an honor to meet you sir!" Elton blushed smiled said, " Nice to meet you too Mrs. Deacon!"

I smiled started eating my cake and Roger said, " Dang. This is soo good. I think I might eat the whole cake,"

I laughed as we all started eating quietly after the cake (and putting the cake away), Mom asked, " Does any of you play... piano?" Freddie, Elton and I raised our hands. Mom said, "Oh! Well, let's go head to the piano,"

Elton smiled jumping up excitedly Freddie right behind him and I followed. Brian and Roger followed as we all gathered around the black grand piano.

Mom settled in her favorite chair and we all started deciding who would play first. Turns out Elton decided to go first. Freddie and I settled in a chair together as we waited for what he was going to play.

We were quiet until we heard him start to sing and play along with it.

I smiled since it was Tiny Dancer and next thing we knew, everybody was singing along. I figured Elton was having a good time at the piano since everyone else sure was!

Elton stood up when he finished and we all started clapping and cheering!

He playfully bowed settled on the couch next to Brian and Roger and I was next.

I gulped and decided to play the song I wrote called: Your My Best Friend.

Rog, Bri, Fred, and I all have been working on it so everybody stood up and started playing along. Of course Freddie pretty much took over on the vocals but we all had our turn to shine.

I smiled staring at my hands then looked up to Freddie who started doing what he always did when he performed with us. Which was always a magical experience.

After that, Freddie took my place and played a piece that was totally unfamiliar. But it sounded beautiful.

He was singing the whole time of course.

I watched his hands cross over and it seemed like he put us all under a spell.

Whatever this song was, it sure is beautiful. Every song we played was beautiful.

Eventually after Freddie finished, we all started cheering and I asked, " What's it called?"

Freddie blushed said, " Bohemian Rhapsody. "

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