Chapter Twenty-Three

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Freddie's P.O.V
Monday morning rolled around way faster than I expected! I smiled choosing my outfit to wear to school for the day. I chose to wear a red tribal printed t-shirt and blue jeans.

I brushed my hair back brushing my bangs in a side-swept style. I grabbed a red scrunchie keeping it at my wrist and got my supplies in my backpack heading downstairs for breakfast grabbing my red Air Jordan's on the way out.
"Morning Farrokh!"

I smiled said, " Morning Momma!"

She smiled kissed my head sipping her tea looking outside staring at the pool on deck. I made my cereal asked, " You okay Mom?" She nodded said, " I'm just thinking..." I said, " Oh,"

I finished breakfast and headed upstairs to get ready.

After brushing my teeth, I grabbed my OneWheel yelled, " Bye Mom!" She waved said, " Have a great day!"

I said, " You too!"

I ran outside hopped on my hoverboard, and rode off to school.
When I got to the school yard, Brian said, " Hey Freddie!" I said, " Sup," We did our handshake I asked, " Where's Blondie?" Brian laughed said, " He's at the gym. Wanted to play volleyball. "

I said, " Oh," Brian said, " John's at the music room by the way," I nodded asked, " How've you been lately?" Brian said, " Me? Oh! Things been nice. I'm going to a university for Astrophysics during the summer! I'm really excited about it to be honest! "

I said, " Wow! Where is it?"

Brian said, " Boston..." I said, " Oop- The land of The New England Patriots!" Brian grumbled said, " They're trash right now... Tom Brady should've came back and the people should've started paying him again."

I nodded in agreement. We continued talking about sports then he asked," What about you, what are you doing this summer?" I shrugged said, " I don't know... Maybe work on new songs probably... " Brian said, " Hm,"

Soon the bell rang for school to start.

I sprinted in just in time sliding in my seat out of breath.

"You good?"

I looked up to meet a guy with glasses. I said, " Yeah... You are?"

He said, " I'm Elton. Elton John,"

I said, " Oh! I'm Freddie. Freddie Mercury," He said, " Oh, I thought your name was Farrokh Bulsara for a while," I said, " It is, but I changed it,"

I asked, " Isn't your name Reginald Dwight?" He blushed said, " Yeah, I don't really liek it though so I'm changing my name to Elton John."

He smiled staring off somewhere looking pretty dramatic. I laughed said, " Sounds nice!" He said, " Yeah, want to be friends?" I said, " Sure!"

He sat next to me as I watched him get settled. I asked, " What do you do?"

He asked, " What do you mean?"

I said, " You have hobbies?"

He said, " Oh! Yeah. I play piano. And sing." I said, " Oh cool! I do too!"

He asked, " No way really?" I nodded excitedly he said, " Cool! What about you?" I said, " I'm apart of a band. With my three best friends," He said, " Cool!" I asked, " Do you write lyrics?"

He shook his head said, "I'm not very good at writing lyrics... But my best friend Bernie Taupin is! He does the lyric part and I do the music part! And we put it together and bam! A new song is born..." I laughed said, " Cool!"

"Mr. Bulsara! Mr. Dwight! Pay attention!" Our History teacher said.

We both said, " Sorry," In unison.

I have a pretty good feeling about this guy, Elton John.

Soon is was time for lunch! I smiled heading to where I spotted Elton. By his locker talking to someone else.

I happily headed over toward him until someone shoved me aside said, " Move out of my way Paki!" I sighed annoyed feeling my stomach do flips.

"Whoa, you okay Freddie?"

Elton asked staring down at me. I happened to be on the floor. But no memory of getting there. Elton gently helped me up I said, " Thanks," He said, " Geesh. What an asshole he was... Sorry that happened," I said, " Hmph. Oh well. Its fine," He asked, " Want to eat lunch with me?" I said, " Sure! You gotta meet my friends!"

He smiled following me to the cafeteria.

"Hey Fred!"

"What's up!"


Roger, Brian, and John greeted as I smiled kissed John on the cheek as he smiled Roger said, " Sup Elton!" Elton waved said, " Hellooo," I said, " Guys, this is Elton! Elton, these are Roger, Brian and my boyfriend, John!"

Elton said, " Hi guys!"

Roger, Brian and John said, " Helloo," in unison. I squished in next to John and Roger scooted over making space for Elton to fit in. We were all quiet.

"So you guys are a band?"

We all nodded Elton asked, " What's your name? Band name I mean,"

I said, " Queen," As I held out the "Es".

Elton said, " Ah cool! Sounds royal,"

I said, " Mmhmm! I say Her Majesty, Queen! Sounds like royalty and that's the way we like it!" Elton said, " Cool!"

We all started talking about music such as, Elvis Presley, David Bowie, and Elton himself! I was shocked I'm friends with a superstar! I didn't even realize he attends the same school as us.

Elton streched said, " I'm suprised you didn't recognize me Freddie,"

I said, " Whoops. My baddd...."

Elton laughed and soon lunchtime was over!

We all stood up as Elton said, " Lete all trade numbers, " We all pulled our phones out to trade numbers then Elton headed off to his class waving bye. John said, " Wow! That's crazy. I have a poster of him on my wall..."

I laughed said, " You sound like your fangirling," He smirked said, " Whatever! Let's head to class now,"

I held ahold of his hand as we headed off to English class together.

Afterschool, I started heading to my locker when someone grabbed my arm. I jumped turning around Elton said, " Hi, sorry I scared you," I laughed said, " That's fine, what's up?"

Elton said, " Nothing much, how about you?" I said, " Heading home,"

Elton nodded I asked, " Soo- what are you doing after graduation?" Elton shrugged said, " Maybe just music. Or hanging out with my boyfriend or something I dunno... " I nodded said, " Cool! Do you use a hoverboard?"

Elton shook his head said, " Nope. I'm way to scared to touch one... I don't want to fall over..." I said, " Oh, you walk?" Elton said, " Yeah. My parents don't bother driving me around. I mean- my Mom's boyfriend does when he doesn't have work but other than that. Walking same as always..."

I said, " Oh. Maybe my parents can drive you sometime! We can carpool!"

Elton smiled said, " Gee really?! Thank you! " I nodded said, " That's what friends are for!" He smiled as I did too and headed out front as we talked about music and our own lives the whole time.

A/N: Sorry this chapter seemed confusing I just wanted to cause Freddie and Elton were actually like best friends or something so that's what this chapter is about. I'm guessing I made Elton a star in high school I suppose. Oh well. He's dope either way. Have a good day guys! See ya! -Eliza 🐷

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