Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Freddie P.O.V.

Graduation day finally arrived! I was so excited as I got dressed in my graduation gown and brushed my hair back making it look amazing!

I struck a pose in front of the mirror said, " My goodness! I look so good! Dang. Let me just say that again: I. Look. Amazing!" I smiled grabbed my phone and took a picture of myself in the mirror. I smiled. I seriously look fabulous. I laughed finally pulling away from the mirror and grabbed matching platform shoes and my graduation hat. Kadh appeared in my doorway gave me a hug said, " My big brother is graduating today! Yay! "

She wiped away fake tears said, " Don't leave us! You keep growing to fast!" I laughed said, " Oh stop it! I'll be back soon! You'll be there to watch me graduate!" She smiled grabbed my hat putting it on and stuck a pose.

I laughed letting her keep it until I needed it. I walked downstairs to where Mom and Dad stood. I smiled as we all did a group hug. Mom said, " You keep growing!" Dad said, " I told you to stop growing!" I smiled said, " You guys had little Farrokh for a while and look where I am now!" Kash said," And John's gonna marry you and be like: Oh marry me! I love you forever and ever and ever the enddd!"

I laughed nervously said, " Shut up!"

Mom and Dad said, " Still we're proud of you!" I said, " Good works and good deeds that what you taught me. Look where I am now!" Dad smiled nearly sobbing as we all did a group hug again and headed out to the car.

We arrived at school where John, Brian, Roger and Elton waited. I smiled nearly falling out Kash said, " Wow. Don't kill yourself!" I jumped up as she hopped out holding her dress and we both headed out separate ways. I walked up to my friends who were smiling uncontrollably. John squealed as I picked him up spinning around Brian laughed and when I put him down Elton said, " We made it!"

I said, " Finally," As I dramatically fell over backwards. John caught me giggled as I stood up. The bell rang and we all headed off to the auditorium where the ceremony will be held. Elton asked, " You guys nervous?" We all nodded. John asked, " Your nervous Fred?" I nodded said, " Yeah," Brian said, " Your never nervous," I shrugged said, " I am sometimes. But show must go on. "

We all nodded in agreement and when everyone as in all the Seniors arrived, the ceremony started.
John held my hand while we waited until one of our names got called. I sighed taking a deep breath. John's hand that I was holding was slightly shaking I started rubbing his hand trying to calm him down. He stared into my eyes smiled whispered," Thanks," I smiled kissed him quickly whispered, " Anytime sweetie," He smiled as the principal started calling names I saw Mary up at the front.

John started cheering along with the rest of our group I smiled standing up cheering too. She giggled flipped her hair behind her said, " Thank you! " She smiled skipping back to her seat giving us all a high five and skipped to her friends. John said, " She's a living Barbie doll. " I smiled said, " True true," We smiled sitting down waiting longer until I heard:

"Farrokh Bulsara! Come on up!" I smiled John kissed me again gently pushed me I gulped he smiled as everyone cheered I laughed walking up to the podium. The principal handed me my diploma said, " Congratulations! You made it!" I smiled he asked, " Do you have anything to say?" I nodded stood in front of the mic said, " Hello, Hi everyone. Uhmmm... Thank you for the diploma you guys! Uhm, I also want to thank my family for their never ending support cause I just love them to death! My friends who also stood by me since we're a band and we're pretty much family. I love you guys too cause you are all awesome! I came so far as I was in high school I can finally say that cause I'm graduating today! I learned so much and made a few mistakes but I've come through, along the way I met who is now and forever will be the love of my life so I also want to thank my boyfriend for sticking with me since we first met up to now! I love you! Seriously I do. And thank you for always being there for me and supporting me with everything that happened. Now, I've finally graduated and I am free! So thank you! And byee!" I smiled and headed back to my seat and settled down grabbed John's hand again but he pulled me toward him kissed me passionately making me smile. I kissed him back gently as we parted he smiled said, " That was sweet. " I smiled he said, " I love you,"

I said, " I love you too darling," He smiled as the ceremony continued and John got called up. He blushed I said, " You'll do fine sweetie, go on." He smiled let go of my hand and made his way to the front. I smiled and once he got his diploma he was quiet in front of the podium. So were all of us.

I smiled nodded he stared in my eyes took a deep breath said, " I- Hi!" Everyone gave him all sorts of different greetings.

"You the man Deaky!"

John smiled making tons of people swoon he said, " Anyway, hi there. I would like to thank all my teachers for helping me get to were I am today. If it wasn't for you all I would've failed and dropped out or something but I've got far and now I'm here. Graduating. And with all the work comes success and that's what I've gotten. Along with my mom who has been there for me when some people weren't. She literally the it's a real website go look it up, point is she's been there for me. And I love her till the day I die. Shes awesome so thank you Mom! My friends have also helped who I'm apart of a band with and with all the experiences I've faced good and bad they've been there for me. From pulling all nighters to fights to sobbing all over eachother we made it here and they stuck with me. So thanks guys! And to my boyfriend who I loved from the day I've met him to the day I die I'll always love you Fred Fred. He means the world to me and without him I'd probably fall apart. Still. I love you all and thank you! Bye for now," Everyone clapped as he came back and slid back in his seat. I smiled grabbed his hand as the ceremony.

Elton, Roger and Brian had their turns and John and I embarrassed the heck out them! Roger literally stuck his tongue out at us right at that podium!

He's such a rebel.

After the ceremony we all smiled threw the graduation hat we had I think someone tossed their diploma up when everyone threw their hats up. Which was hilarious. Then we all took pictures and after graduation school was out!

Roger smiled yelled, " I'm freeee!!"

I smiled John skipped to me and I smiled as he ran up to me hugging me as I yelled falling over in the grass.

Brian and Roger busted out laughing and started teasing us and we kept telling them to shut up. Elton eventually came up to us his boyfriend following and Elton said, " Dang John. That speech was longgg!"

John smiled said, " Yeah! Didn't we all have long speeches?" Elton asked, " You two going  to get married?" I laughed shrugged. John shrugged too.

I know I want to marry John. But not now. Not yet at least. I brushed John's hair back since he was in my lap Elton brushed his hair aside asked, " You guys throwing a party tonight?"

Roger butted in said, " Yeah! " Elton said, " Cool! We'll be there!" We smiled nodding as Elton lead his boyfriend off somewhere as John got off of my lap. I smiled he said, " Finally! We did it!" I smiled nodded standing up he asked, " Would you actually want to...?" I said, " Yeah,"

John smiled held out a small black box opened it to reveal a gold band with beautiful diamonds! I squealed said, "John I-" He smiled asked, " Then will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"

I jumped up and down nodded grabbed his waist picked him up as he smiled I leaned in kissed him passionately leaning downward as he giggled kissed me back passionately.

Roger and Brian started yelling and cheering I smiled as we parted. John rested his forehead against mine said, " I love you." I said, " I love you too,"

I smiled staring into his eyes and felt tears of joy start coming as I busted out crying John pulled me in his arms rubbing my back peppering my head with kisses. I smiled sniffled said," I finally get to be with you," he smiled said, " I know baby, I'm so happy I get to be with you," I smiled as he pecked my lips but turned away. I pulled him back in kissing him passionately again. He smiled when we parted resting our foreheads against eachother we were quiet lost in each others eyes. He said," Oh, the ring,"

I smiled kissed his hands as he gave me the ring.

I grabbed the ring sliding it on my finger where my promise ring sat.

I said, "Damn. " He smiled and we all headed home to get ready for the party tonight.

What a day.

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