Chapter Twenty

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Nevermind! Imma make this book be long!

John's P.O.V
It was around midnight as I pulled the covers up. Freddie smiled nuzzling his nose into my neck. I said, " That was my first time..." He smiled kissing my neck down further making me laugh. I asked, " Did I do okay?" Freddie said, " Yeah," I smiled as he climbed on top of me pretty much taking over. I giggled feeling his hands on my body as I sighed resting my head against the pillow gulping and let out a few moans gripping on the sheets. I sighed as he asked, " You ready?" I gulped nodded said, " Yeah," He said, " Let me know when you need to- y'know,"

I smiled nodding as he placed lube around my "you know what" and sighed spreading my legs out of the way and sighed repeatedly saying Freddie's name. I told him to be gentle since it's my first time and suddenly felt a ton of pain. I gulped Freddie whispered, " You have to relax darling," I nodded taking a deep breath relaxing and let out a moan instead of a scream as he pushed deeper as I giggled nervously the pain replaced with pleasure, feeling him hit my climax. I said, " Fred..." He nodded pressing his lips against mine pulling out as I started to cum. I sighed turning my head as we parted.

I gulped feeling all hot and sweaty as I slowly sat up. Freddie asked, " You okay?" I said, " Yeah, it hurt for a minute is that normal?" Freddie said, " Yeah, its normal," I asked, " Is this your first time too?" He said, " Yeah,"

We were quiet and I said, " Sorry,"

He asked, " For what?" I said, " Accidentally... y'know..." He smiled said, " Don't apologize, its fine."

I said, " But... The sheets-" He said, " Don't worry about that, your fine. You don't have to apologize." I smiled as he gently cleaned me up as I did the same. I streched rolling onto his lap sighing and leaned in kissing him gently sliding my tounge in aswell.

He smiled kissing back as we continued fighting for dominance as I kissed his jawline to his neck going further letting my hands explore as I said, " Your gorgeous," He smiled moaning which made me blush.

I started to explore pushing him down as he started gripping the sheets as I let my hands go around his "you know what" and started to stroke. He gulped moaning as I pinned him down. Freddie said, " Geesh your bossy," I smiled said, " Yep, now shut up and please me," He laughed as I gently slid my finger in his entrance after using protection obviously. He blushed relaxing as I leaned in kissing him passionately as he moaned as I went deeper he said, " I'm about too-" I smiled gently pulling my fingers out as he started to cum aswell. I said, " Nicely done," He smirked as I smiled kissed his forehead brushing his hair back. He sighed lying on his back as I smiled relaxing as he said, " Imma take a shower, what about you...?"

I said, " Not without me your not,"

He blushed grabbing my hand leading me to the shower.
After we took a shower, I smiled looking at myself and started drying off and streched. I took all my makeup off my face and the glitter by this point. We started cleaning my room pulling on our pyjamas as I turned off the light in the bathroom and sighed flopping over on my bed. He said, " Your gorgeous y'know, inside and out,"

I smiled said, " Well, so are you," I smiled kissed him quickly and put my dress away and sighed climbing under the covers falling asleep feeling Freddie's arms around my waist the whole night.
The next morning, my legs hurt like hell. I sighed groaning turning to see Freddie still fast asleep. I sighed trying to sit up but my legs hurt badly.

Freddie opened his eyes as I sighed as he let go turning and sitting up. I asked, " Your legs don't hurt?" He said, " No they do... Why you want to get up?" I said, " Yeah, but I can't. They hurt a lot." He smiled said, " Try to, I'll help." I sighed sitting up slowly as Freddie stood walked on my side.

I asked, " How...? Nevermind, let me just try..." He smiled said, " You can do it sweetie," I sighed grabbing his hand slowly standing up. I said, " Ermm... hmph. " I wobbled a little Freddie caught me said, " I got you baby,"

I blushed and sighed looking at the clock. 11:26 am. I said, " Well, noon is an hour from now so it's a perfect time to start the day," Freddie smiled kissed my head as I sighed fighting the pain in my legs and went to find something to wear.
I chose to wear a sparkly gold shirt with white jeans and pulled on black socks. I brushed my hair down and put in two gold hair clips and headed downstairs to make breakfast.

Freddie was already there dressed in a red shirt with sparkly red stripes and black jeans. I said, " Nice outfit,"

He said, " Thanks! You look nice too! "

I smiled said, " Thanks!" I went to the island facing the toaster. I sighed deciding to have Fruit Loops.

I grabbed a glass filling it up with cow milk and sat down at the bar watching Freddie make his breakfast.

Which happened to be the same as last time. Just waffles. I streched and started eating my Fruit Loops.
After breakfast, Freddie asked, " Want to go play outside with Rog and Bri?" I said, " Ooh, okay!" He smiled ruffled my hair up and went outside. I smiled grabbing my hoverboard and my sneakers and heading outside too. I told Freddie I'll walk to Roger's house to invite him to hangout with us.

Turns out his parents weren't home and I barged in marching up to his room. I yelled, " Roger! Get your lazy ass up and come out and play!" Roger jumped from looking at himself in the mirror said, " Jeesh. Don't do that! Fine, where's your boyfriend? What happened to you yesterday? Did you two fuck eachother or something?"

I said, " Stop with all the questions jeesh, Freddie's outside. " Roger smirked as we did a fist bump and he brushed his hair down following me outside.

When we arrived Roger pulled out his phone I asked, " Who ya callin'?" He said, " Poodle," I smirked giving him eye brow jumps as he pushed me aside said, " Stop!" I laughed and went over to Freddie who was on his OneWheel trying to do tricks. I said, " Elloooo!" He smiled looked up from his feet accidentally falling over stood up nervously said, " Hi,"

I laughed ruffled his hair up asked, " You alright?" He said, " Yeah, just fell over," I laughed said, " Well- you can do it! A trick I mean," He smiled stepping on the hoverboard again and started attempting again. I stared at his hands watching the promise ring on his finger shimmer in the sunlight.

"Hey guys!"

We turned as Brian came up to us as Roger squealed tackling him in a hug while Brian yelled falling over.

I laughed and grabbed the basketball walking to the hoop started doing a bunch of shots. Freddie watched eventually joining in and stole the ball I said, " Get back here you-" I smirked running after him trying to get the ball back.

I sighed finally getting the ball and made a shot doing a nice lay up.

Roger yelled, " Traveling! Don't count!"

I said, " Dammit!" Freddie laughed as I started up again. We all ended up doing a few rounds of basketball for the rest of the afternoon.

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