Chapter 70

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Wednesday, 2nd April 2014

Somewhere Over the North Pacific Ocean

The Bus - 04:44 am - Skye’s Bunk

Grant was lying on his side, Skye’s back pressed against his front in the spooning position. His arms circled around her waist - their legs intertwined. They had turned in twenty minutes ago with Skye almost falling straight to sleep as soon as her head it the pillow, which didn’t surprised Grant since she had had a very emotional last few hours. Grant knew that the senior agents would still be going over the game plan in Phil’s office. They would still be in there if Phil hadn’t told them to get some sleep and Skye had been too tired to protest.

Grant couldn’t sleep though, he was too wired to shut his brain off. The last few hours kept playing through his head. Grant hadn’t been shocked with the way the other agents had taken the HYDRA news and discovering that he was a double agent. He had seen the betrayal and disappointment in Agent Barton’s eyes and understood his words of anger towards him until Phil had calmed him down, assuring him that they only knew about HYDRA and threat coming their way because he had told when he didn't have to. Phil had then said to the archer 'he's not the only agent to ever have a haunted past that he's trying to escape' those words had silenced the male avenger.

Grant knew that it would take some time before any true S.H.I.E.L.D agent would trust him again. And that was their right. Grant still couldn’t believe how Skye still had faith and believed in him when he didn’t really believe in himself.

Grant still believed that he didn’t deserve her. She was too good and pure for him, but he also knew that life without her wouldn’t be worth living. One moment it was just him and Skye - two people. Never looking or expecting for anything. And then out of nowhere it happened. All it took was one look, one smile, one touch and caress, one laugh and stupid fight.  And the spark was lit. It was only little in the beginning, but over time it grew. And with every look, every touch, every smile, every kiss, every comforting word, every argument and every passing moment they share together - fueled the small spark until it became a burning fire. Grant never really believed love or ‘the one’ was possible until he met Skye and really got to know her. All’s it took was one small spark that when fueled became a burning bright fire. A light. A warmth. A love. Her love. One moment they were just two people and now -  soulmates. Skye taught him that it was okay to love and feel.

Grant was pulled from his thoughts when he felt Skye move in his arms. She turned until she was facing him, her head buried into his chest. She swung an arm around his waist and murmured something in her sleep. Grant felt a smile drift across his lips before brushing a kiss across her forehead. 


Classified S.H.I.E.L.D Base (British Columbia)  

The Bus - 10:03 am - Open Kitchen Area

Jemma and Leo were sitting side by side in the mini booth in the common area just off from the kitchen, two cups of tea in front of them. Leo had his forehead resting on the table, trying to ignore the pounding in his head.

“You shouldn’t have drunk so much,” Jemma sweetly scolded him, rubbing soothing circles across his back. “Don’t you remember the morning after ‘Puzzles’?”

Leo just groaned in response and Jemma released a sigh.

“Morning guys,” Antoine greeted with a friendly smile.

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