Chapter 64

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Skye was lying on her bed facing the wall as she hugged her ‘Ana’ bear and baby blanket close to her chest. She had heard Grant enter moments ago and lock the door. She then felt him slide onto the bed behind her and wrap his arms around her middle as the front of his body pressed against the back of hers. A few seconds later she felt him press a kiss to the crown of her head.

“You okay?” he asked softly as he held her close.

Skye felt safe and loved wrapped in his arms. “Just being my stupid emotional self,” she expressed with a heavy sigh. “Sometimes I can’t control my empathic emotions. I probably made a fool in front of your S.O and the other agent. God only knows what they must think of me.”

Grant hated that Skye felt that way, like she was letting him down or something. “Who cares what they think,” he told her as he wrapped his arm tighter around her middle. “I only care how you’re feeling and that you’re okay.”

Skye turned in his arms until the front of her body pressed against his, their gazes fixed on one another. She looped her arms around his neck as they laid on their sides, his arms still around her middle. “I’m okay as long as you’re in my life,” she assured him with sincerity. “You’re important to me.”

Grant felt his heart pick up speed at her words. ‘You’re important to me’. It wasn’t the first time she had said that to him. He felt a lump form in his throat and a bout of guilt washed over him. He hated himself for keeping this other side of himself from her. She had the right to know before it was too late and there was no going back, but he couldn’t help but think how she would react to finding out. He didn’t want to lose her - couldn’t lose her from his life. Skye was his light.

Skye could sense the apprehension pouring from her boyfriend. The calm mask had slipped from his features and mixed emotion was splashed across it - like he was fighting an inner-battle inside his head. Skye felt a little queasy all of a sudden. “Grant? Are you okay?” she asked, concern filling her voice as she unlooped her arms from around his neck and bought a hand to his face, cupping his cheek.

Grant was pulled from his thoughts at her soft touch, he heard the tenderness in her voice and felt it in her touch. Her hazel brown orbs were locked on his dark chocolate ones. “You’re important to me too,” he admitted with raw emotion. “More than anything in the world and there is so much I wanna share with you about my past, but … I don’t wanna lose you.”

Skye was gobsmacked by his confession. “What? Grant, you’re never gonna lose me,” she assured him, brushing her fingers along his chiseled jaw. “There is nothing you can tell me that would make me walk away from you. I’m all in.”

Grant let his eyes drift close for a moment as he absorbed in her words. ‘I’m all in.’ Grant knew that he loved her and hearing her say those words made him love her more than he thought was possible. He wanted to confess all, but he also had to think of her. He knew that her empathic side might not be able to handle all the pain and anger burning inside him at once. Grant also knew that if he didn’t open up more to her, then he might just lose her.

Grant’s eyes drifted open and was met with a curious and concerned looking Skye. Her fingers were still brushing along his cheek and jaw. A simple touch of affection, but it meant the world to him. His entire life he had craved affection from his loved ones, but only ever got cruelness and hatred.

Grant removed his arms from around Skye and untangled their legs. He then sat up in the small bed, his back turned to her as his feet touched the floor. Grant knew that he couldn’t face her when telling her what he was going to tell her. 

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