Chapter 79

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This chapter contains scenes from CATWS


Washington DC - 05:33am

Fury's Secret Bunker

Maria and Steve had fallen asleep on the worn couch around midnight, they had spent the night talking. The Super Soldier had been awake for a little while now, but didn't want to move or wake the sleeping brunette in his arms. He loved waking up to Maria in his arms, the back of her body pressed against the front of his. He knew that his thick erection would be pressing against Maria's back, but there wasn't anything he could do about it right now. Steve was surprised that Maria wasn't already awake. She was usually up by five, but he knew that she had a stressful last few days and needed the sleep.

Steve felt the brunette beginning to stir in his arms and murmur something unrecognizable. "Good morning Beautiful," he greeted with a smile, brushing a kiss to the crown of her head.

Maria's eyes fluttered a few times before fully opening. She felt so warm, safe and content in Steve's arms. She stretched in his Steve's arms, pressing further back into her Super Soldier. She felt his hardened length pressed against her behind and a smile curved her lips. This wasn't the first time she had woken up in Steve's arms with him this kind of greeting.

Maria bit down on her lower lip as she turned in Steve's arms to face him, looping her arms around his neck and her silver-blues locking on his stoney ones. "Good morning," she whispered, brushing her lips against his.

Steve instantly responded back with a long slow drawn out kiss, his hands sliding down to her hips and resting there.

The kiss grew heated quickly as Maria's tongue slid across his lips, encouraging him to part them. Maria slipped her tongue inside his mouth, sliding her tongue against his and deepening the kiss as she grinded the front of her body against Steve, hearing a moan escape his lips.

Maria felt a smile tug at her lips as she continued to grind against Steve, moving her hands from around his neck and running them through his blonde locks. She loved having this affect on the Super Soldier.

Steve's hands moved from her hips and under her dark blue shirt, feeling her soft warm skin beneath his fingertips. Steve's heart was pounding so fast in his chest that he knew they would have to stop before they went too far. He hesitantly broke the kiss. "Blue Eyes," he panted as he tried to catch his breath.

Maria's eyes locked on Steve's as she panted heavily, trying to calm her racing heart. "Now, that's how I wanna start every morning," she grinned, cheekily.

Steve chuckled as he brushed another quick kiss across her lips. "Me too ... who knows, maybe we can if today goes our way."

The smile quickly slipped from her lips as reality dawned on her of what they were going against today. Today they had to go against their own agency, but this was so much more than betrayal from colleagues and possible friends - S.H.I.E.L.D was home to her. It was where she meant her family and how she met Steve.

Steve noticed the quick change in the brunette's features and knew there wasn't something they had talked about yet. She had been so worried about keeping a massive secret from him that he forgot to ask her how this is affecting her. "Are you truly ready to say goodbye to S.H.I.E.L.D today? I know how much it means to you."

Maria swallowed the lump lodged in her throat and forced a smile.

Steve wasn't buying it. He could tell that she was hurting and knew that she shouldn't keep it all inside. It was just end up eating her alive. Steve lifted a hand to her face, brushing his fingers across her cheek. "Open and honest, remember?"

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