Chapter Twenty Six

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This chapter contains adult content

Saturday, 15th March 

Phil’s Bunk - Middnight

Moonlight filled the room from the small window as Melinda laid in her partner’s arms in his bed as she went over the scene from down in the lab again in her mind. Melinda had changed back into Phil’s shirt not long after entering the room. She liked the feeling of it against her skin, plus the bonus fact that it smelt like him brought some comfort.

Phil was holding Melinda close in the spooning position as his mind tried to process the information that had been delivered to them not more than ten minutes ago. How could S.H.I.E.L.D do something like this without her consent? He knew that they had experimented on him without his consent, but he was dead so that was fair game. Phil was livid at the Director knowing that this has his name written all over it.

“I promise you that I will find out what is going on, Mel,” Phil voiced as he held her tighter, knowing that it wouldn’t cause her any pain now. “Everything is gonna be okay.”

Melinda was pulled from her ocean of thoughts at the sound of his voice and let Phil’s words wash over her as a smile found her lips. He could always make her feel safe and loved, but right now she just wanted himShe wanted his touch and to feel alive again. “I know a way that we can forget about everything for a little while,” Melinda supplied in a suggestive tone as she turned her head around.

Phil locked his gaze with her’s, their faces inches apart as surprise washed over him. “You’re not suggesting what I think you’re suggesting … are you?” he asked a little in awe.

Melinda gave him a sultry look. “I am,” she answered, straight out as she turned in his arms so she was facing him and looped her arms around his neck. “You heard Simmons, I am almost fully recovered which means I can participate in strenuous activity. I know it’s been twelve years since we’ve been intimate, but I want you - unless you don’t want to for some other reason?” she asked, hurt lacing her tone.

Phil couldn’t believe that she would think that. “Are you kidding? Of course I wanna make love with you again,” he supplied, honestly. “But  are you sure?” he questioned. “It’s been a pretty emotional night and I don’t wanna rush y-”

“Phillip,” she voiced, cutting him off. “Have I ever done anything that I’ve never wanted to do?” she challenged as a smirked splashed across her lips.  

Phil found a smile stealing his lips at her feistiness. “No,” he answered, before capturing her lips with his own.

After a long minute of intense kissing the couple pulled apart for a brief moment to sit up in the bed, both panting heavily as their gazed remained locked on one another. Melinda reached for Phil’s buttoned down shirt and began quickly undoing it. Eight seconds later the shirt was tossed aside landing someone on the ground as Melinda reached for his belt, quickly undoing and pulling it out. She tossed it aside, his pants followed ten seconds later.

Melinda fixed her desire-filled eyes onto her lifetime partner. She drank in the sight of him in just his black cotton boxer briefs that hugged his hard erection like a second skin. He was still in good shape for someone his age. Her eyes run slowly down him, briefly stopping at his large scar. Melinda then reached out her hand and touched it, her fingers lightly running along the jagged edges.  

Phil closed his eyes as he absorbed in her touch. He knew that his scar would be with him for a long time to come, maybe forever and the fact that she wasn’t disgusted by it meant everything to him.

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