Chapter Thirty One

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Phil and Melinda followed Dwight back towards the main section of his lab and were standing opposite a long stainless steel bench that had assorted hi-tech scientific equipment spread along it.

“So, tell me about this serum?” Phil finally asked. It had been bugging him since his phone call with Dwight and discovering his involvement in his recovery.   

Dwight looked at his little brother with a serious look. He knew this question was coming since he landed.  He looked towards Melinda and noticed the brief look of surprise that washed over her before a harden expression took place. Dwight switched his attention back towards Phil who was still waiting for an answer.

“Serum?” Melinda asked, emotionless. “What are you talking about, Phil?” her eyes locked on her partner, folding her arms. What did he know?

Phil tore his eyes from the australian and onto his partner. “I should have told you as soon as I found out,” he supplied, releasing a sigh. “Apparently Dwight help create some wonder drug that help me come back from the dead,” he shared, still not knowing the facts. Phil looked back towards his big brother. “Right?”

“How is that possible?” Melinda voiced, deadpanned. Oh crap?

Dwight’s attention was back on the younger woman. He knew that Melinda hadn’t told Phil what she knew with how she was acting and looked like she wanted him to keep up the act. Dwight knew that Nick had ordered him not to reveal anything to Phil, but he also knew that Phil would keep digging until he found answers and it would be better coming from someone he trusted. They had kept this secret from Phil for too long.  “For the last few years I’ve been working on cell regeneration and a drug called GH-325. I managed to extract a certain cell chromosome from an unknown species that can regenerate torn or damaged cells or ligaments.”

Phil couldn’t quite believe what he was hearing. “What unknown specimen?” he demanded.

Dwight shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know,” he expressed, honestly. “A few of years ago, Nick bought me a sample and asked me to do a full DNA profile on it and see if a serem or wonder drug could be made from it,” he shared. “He said ‘you never know when he would need it’.”

Phil felt a lump form in his throat. “And you didn’t ask him where it came from?”

Dwight released a sigh. It wasn’t human. That much he knew. “I did, but you know Nick. He only tells you what he wants you to know. Anyway after years of testing and breaking down every little section of the sample, I managed to make a serum from it a few months before the 'battle of New York' hit and the drug was in the testing phase when Nick called me about you,” he paused for a moment. “I think my heart stopped for a moment when he said that you were dead,” he expressed, his voice breaking slightly. “He then requested the drug, hoping that it would save you. He said he had a team ready to do their part to fix you, but the drug was needed. I flew it there myself, not trusting anyone else to deliver it directly to you or Nick.”

Phil could see how much his death had affected the older man. They were family - brothers. He swallowed the lump in his throat. “Did you, um, see me?”

Dwight slowly nodded his head. “Nick tried to stop me, but I guess I get my stubborn attitude from him. When I saw you … I felt like I lost my best friend,” he confessed as a few silent tears slid down his cheeks.

Phil took a step forward and patted the older man on the shoulder. “I’m sorry I put you through that,” he expressed with empathy. It seemed his death had caused a lot of people pain.

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