Chapter Thirty Eight

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Skye’s Room - 10:41 am

Skye was woken from her peaceful slumber when a sharp pain ripped through her, like a knife cutting through her. Her eyes shot open and a strangled gasped escaped her throat and breathing became ragged. All of a sudden she was hit with another pang of pain as tears stung her eyes. She released a moan of pain. It was hard to move since her boyfriend’s arms were wrapped around tightly, like a cocoon. “Gr-ant,” she choked out.

Grant’s eyes shot opened when he heard a weird sound and his name. He could feel Skye squirming in his arms. “Skye?” he voiced, half asleep. He figured that she was having another nightmare. “I’m right here,” he told her, losing his hold on her so she could move.

“I-I ca-nt breath,” she gasped between ragged breaths, turning to face her boyfriend.

Panic washed through the Specialist as he sat up, his eyes trained on his girlfriend. He noticed that she was going a little pale  “What do you mean you can’t breath? Talk to me, Sweetheart,” he expressed, brushing his fingers across her face. She felt hot. This was different to any nightmare that she had in the past.

Skye was breathing heavily, trying to force air through her lungs. She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to block out the source of pain. It was so strong. The last time she had felt like this was back on the bus a couple of weeks ago. Skye forced her eyes opened again, letting out another moan of pain.

Grant felt lost. Not again. He quickly reached for her hand, giving it a squeeze while his other brushed away the falling tears. His eyes were locked on hers. “Sweetheart, look at me … just on focus on me,” he told her, doing best to stay calm. He had no idea if Jemma and Leo were back from horse riding and it’s not like the biochemist kept anaesthetic on her.

Skye pushed past the pain and anger that was burning through her and focused on Grant. She could see the apprehension burning in his eyes, but could feel love pouring from him. She focused on that feeling of love - it was strong.

“Now breath,” he instructed her as he took a few steady breathes himself.

Skye did as told, taking steady breaths as she focused solely on her boyfriend. She focused on what he was feeling and not the other two energy signatures that she was picking up. She could tell that they’re weren’t near by, but close enough for her to feel it. She knew exactly who they were coming from.

Skye continued her breathing exercises for a few minutes until the painful feeling started to subside and numb a little. She could still feel it, but it was becoming easier to deal with.

Grant noticed Skye’s colour returning to normal and felt relief wash over him. He could sense that she was still pain, but masking it. He gave her hand another squeeze and brushed his fingers across cheek. “How are you feeling?”

Skye was doing her best to keep her focus on Grant. She was taking steady breathes through the pain. “Better … but something’s wrong with May and AC,” she told him, swallowing the lump in her throat as tears stung her eyes. “I need to go see them,” she told him as she began to lift the sheet that was covering their naked bodies.

Grant looked at her concerned. “Are you sure that’s wise if they’re causing the pain … maybe you should keep your distance from them,” he suggested.

Skye knew that her boyfriend was worried about her, but she was worried about the two older team members since she was feeling what they were feeling. Something had to be seriously wrong. She swung her legs over the side of the bed which took a little energy out of her.

“Babe,” Grant voiced, alarm lacing his tone. “You can barely get out of the bed,” he pointed out, sliding out of his side. He grabbed his boxer briefs and jeans, quickly sliding them on before making his way around to Skye’s side.

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