Chapter Thirty Six

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The Bus - 03:13 am - Open Lounge Area

Maria was sitting on the couch with the half asleep five year old on her lap. Her mother was sitting beside her. They were currently buckled up as the plane had taken off a little over ten minutes ago. It had been a long night/ early morning and Maria was looking forward to some sleep. She turned her head to the side and looked at her mother who was watching the little girl. A somber expression etched across her lips.

“It was never meant to be used,” Maria whispered, not knowing if this place was bugged by HQ.

Emma wrapped her arm around her daughter. “I know, Doogie … let’s just hope she is okay. When will we know?” she asked in a quiet tone.

Maria leaned her head on her mother’s shoulder. “Somewhere in the next twenty four hours … I’ll run some test when we get home. What do you think Uncle Nick will do to her?”

Emma released a heavy sigh. It was hard to tell with her godfather, each case was different. “I don’t know, Doogie. He was quiet when I told him that the serum had been used. He said not to tell anyone. I don’t feel right keeping this from …” her words dying off as Phil and his team entered the room.

“You can unbuckle now,” he told them, stopping just off from the couch.

Maria watched as the four younger agents continued walking towards their bunk. They noticed the two scientist go in separate bunks, but the two field agents went in the same one. Grant had his hand resting on the small of Skye’s back. “Did two of your agents just go into the same bunk?” she questioned with curiosity, knowing S.H.I.E.L.D’s guidelines about agents on the same team being intimate.  

Phil folded his arms, looking down at his niece. “Uh huh,” he simply answered, not wanting to go into detail. “Uh, you can take the little girl to Skye’s bunk … the bunk’s are small, but there will be enough room for the two of you. And the beds are comfy,” he supplied, looking down at the girl who hadn’t said a word since meeting her. Phil knew that she must be terrified being around their strangers. He was curious to what her story was and why his boss wanted her. Where did she come from? Did she have the mutation and was the serum that Maria had been working on - complete and used on her?

Maria unbuckled as she dropped her gaze down to the five year old. “Hey Sweetie,” she smiled, brushing her fingers through her hair. “Let’s head to the bed, huh?”

Lillian just nodded and reached for the nice woman’s hand, holding it. She reminded her of Mrs Hart. The last person who rescued her from bad people.

Maria stood to her feet as the girl followed. The two then walked towards the bunk that had it’s door open and entered it. Maria then closed the door ¾ of the way, leaving a small gap so the child could go to the bathroom during the night.

Emma stood to her feet, folding her arms as her blue orbs focused on her older brother-in-law. “How come whenever we get together for a mission, something always seems to blow up or one of us get’s shot at?” She joked with a smirk.

Phil softly chuckled. “Part of my charm,” he joked with an easy smile at his sister-in-law. “At least you can’t say I’m boring,” he added.

Emma and Melinda rolled their eyes in unison, both fighting smiles.

“So … how’s this little ragtag team going? Uncle Nick mentioned that you and Melinda inherited a bunch of kids over five months ago. Nice ride by the way,” she commented with a smile.

Phil nodded along. “Yeah … and you think your Fury’s favorite,” he playfully joked.

Emma bit the inside of her cheek as she shook her head. “You’re such a goofball … how does Melinda put with you?”

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