Chapter Fifty

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A few minutes had passed since Pepper had pulled back from Phil and was now standing beside Tony as she continued to look at her good friend with disbelief. She still couldn’t understand how this was possible.

“What are the two of you doing in Brisbane, Australia?” Phil asked with pique curiosity. “And how did you find me?” he questioned, softly. 

“Technically we were on the Gold Coast celebrating our engagement until I received an alert from J.A.R.V.I.S that someone from this location was accessing my system without my consent,” he revealed in one long breath. “So I decide to see who had the balls to break through my firewalls.”

“I came along to make sure he didn’t get into trouble,” Pepper supplied with a warm smile.

Tony smirked at his fiancée remark. “We choppered straightaway from the Coast to here,” he shared. “I still cannot believe a kid broke threw my firewalls ... me - Tony Stark.”

Really, is that what this was all about? Phil turned his eyes from the billionaire and onto his little girl who was looking at him, innocently. “Is this true, Skye?” he asked using his best ‘serious boss’ voice.

Skye nodded her head as a smile slipped across her lips. “It’s not the first time that I’ve access his systems without his knowledge. I’m actually surprised it took him this long to figure it out,” she informed her father with a bored expression.

Phil was torn between trying not to laugh and keeping his serious demeanor. You are your mother’s daughter, he couldn’t help but think as a smile tickled the corners of his lips.

Tony turned his attention onto the younger Coulson with amusement. Oh, this kid has balls. “A few weeks ago … that was you. I noticed … I was curious to why S.H.I.E.L.D was piggybacking of my database while searching from some Quinn guy without my consent. Didn’t say anything cause I wanted to monitor you.”

Jemma and Leo emerged for their lab after hearing commotion out in the cargo bay.

“Oh my god,” the duo expressed. “Tony Stark!”

Tony snapped his head around at the two younger scientists that were standing in the doorway of what looked like a makeshift lab of sorts. “More kids,” he expressed with a heavy sigh. "Does S.H.I.E.L.D grab them from high school?" he joked. 

“We’re 26!” the duo voiced with slight annoyance as they crossed their arms in sync.

Tony blinked a few times. “Is that one person or two?” he questioned with complete seriousness but managing to sound sarcastic as he rubbed his temple.

“That’s FitzSimmons,” Skye revealed, casually. “And even though they’re two people - sometimes they act like one. They’ve worked together for like ever and earned the nickname FitzSimmons which is just both their last names melted together. You know, like you and Pepper … Pepperony.”

“Pepperony?” he questioned with a smirk. Tony had heard that stupid ‘nickname’ for him and Pepper in the past but chose to ignore it.

Skye smiled. “Yeah, it’s Pepper and your first names smashed together,” she expressed, fusing her fingers together for an example. “Pepper and Tony … Pepporny,” she explained with amusement.

“You think of us as a pizza topping?!” Stark questioned with a quirked eyebrow as he glanced at the love of his life. She just rolled her eyes at the commented. She had heard the nickname before and knew Tony had too. He was just toying with the younger woman.

Skye folded her arms, smirking. “Well, that’s what the papers and paps call you whenever you’re out. I can see the headlines now … 'Can I get the lot with Pepperony on top'," she supplied with enthusiasm. "Then there will be a picture of the two of you and maybe a shot of Pepper's ring with the caption. 'The new dish on famous 'Iron Man' Billionaire 'Tony Stark' and his long time girlfriend 'Pepper Potts' CEO of Stark Industries also known as Pepperony - are finally engaged! What will be the next slice in their life.' 

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