All of Me - Chapter One

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Saturday, 1st March

The Bus - 15:33p.m - Skye’s Bunk

Skye was sitting in her bunk, lying on her bed as she read a book that Ward had given her to read, just like his S.O had with him. Her door was open a sliver. Even though her eyes were looking at the page, her mind was elsewhere. It had been two days since Agent Coulson had dropped the 0-8-4 bomb on her and on the outside she had pretended that it didn’t bother her, but her mind couldn’t switch off what it could possibly mean. And 0-8-4 usually meant an ‘object of unknown origin’.  

Skye still didn’t know what that meant. How was she an ‘object of unknown origin?’ What the hell did that even mean? And a whole village died protecting me? Why? What was so special about me? Who killed all of those people and why? These were the questions that had tumbled around in her mind since Agent Coulson had told her. They hadn’t spoken of it since. No one but Agent Coulson, Agent May and herself knew about her past or what there was to know about her past and Skye knew it had to stay that way for her own protection and the protection of the people on this plane - her family.

A knock sounded at the door and a few seconds later it slid open more and Grant popped his head in. “Coulson wants to see us in the Command Center asap,” he told her in his usual serious manner.

Skye turned her eyes in his direction, absorbing in the sight the tall hulk of an agent took up. He was wearing one of his white tight t-shirts that she loved seeing in him, even though she preferred it when he wore no shirt at all. Not that she would ever admit that out loud.

Grant crossed his arms and narrowed his gaze onto his doe eyed rookie who looked to be a thousand miles away. “Skye,” her name slipped from his lips as concern filled his voiced. “You okay?”

Skye realized that she hadn’t responded to him and must look like an idiot just staring at him like some groupie. She forced a smile. “Yep,” she answered, clearing her throat.

Grant could see the hesitation in her eyes. He knew that she was holding something back from him, but that’s who Skye was. She had major trust issues and even though they were becoming good friends - there was still a lot that she held back with. He had noticed that there had been something different about her for the last couple days ever since returning from FitzSimmons academy. He had observed that at times she had been zoned out or had a faraway look in her eyes. Lately she also had been more focused on her training and hadn’t been giving him as much trouble as she use to. The last couple of mornings she was even down hitting the bag before he got there, it surprised him each time. There was just something different about her though.

Skye had noticed that her S.O hadn’t moved from her doorway and seemed to be the one ‘zoned out’ now. He had a neutral expression etched across his face and was standing as still as a statue with folded arms that outlined his toned upper torso. Skye closed the book that she had been reading and slid off her bed.

“Ward?” she asked, walking the small distance towards him and stopped less than a foot in front of him. His presence was blocking her doorway.

Grant was pulled from his thoughts at the sound of her soft voice with those matching doe-eyed eyes staring back, her hair was down and framing her face with that slight wave and few curls in it. She had the pure look of innocence and beauty. He swallowed hard.

Skye ignored the tingling feeling that was shooting through her at this moment and whenever she was close to him, like when he pins her to the mats during training and they stare into each others eyes for those five seconds before he gets off her. “Are you okay?” concern now filling her voice.

All of Me - Agent's of S.H.I.E.L.DWhere stories live. Discover now