Chapter Forty One

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Pool House - 14:48 p.m

Natasha and Clint watched as the end credits rolled on their movie. Clint grabbed the remote off the side arm of the couch and turned off the television. His eyes then turned sideward and locked on the sweet sight before him. Lillian had fallen asleep about twenty minutes ago, her head was still resting on Natasha’s lap. Natasha’s hand was resting on the girl’s shoulder.

Fury was asleep in front of the couch  and snoring could be heard from him.

“Should we wake her or move her?” Clint asked in a low tone.

Natasha shook her head as she dropped her green orbs down to the sleeping girl. There was something tranquil about watching a sleeping child and the look of pure innocence etched across their face. “She’s fine,” the female spy commented. “She’s not doing any harm and needs all the rest she can get after the last twenty-four hours that she endured.”

Clint lifted his eyes from the girl and fixed them on his partner. He had known Natasha for a long time now and knew all of the sides to her, but this side was one of his favourites. Natasha was such a caring person even though she kept it hidden and guarded behind layers of seriousness, sarcasm and coldness. She didn’t like people knowing that she could be vulnerable or actually care about someone. Only a handful of people knew and had seen that side of the assassin. He could count them on one hand. Clint knew that if she had the option and chance, Natasha would've made a great mom since she had a sucky childhood - just like himself. She would give that kid everything she missed out on and protect and love it fiercely. The archer let out a heavy sigh at the thought.

Natasha turned her eyes from the child and locked them on her partner. He was watching her with a sadness and longing in his eyes. She knew it was about Lillian and how she was a reminder that they couldn’t have children - correction -she couldn’t. He still could. She was the one holding him back. Natasha knew that there jobs were too dangerous for them to have children. They have pissed off a lot of people over the years, made a lot of enemies. S.H.I.E.L.D was the reason they were both still alive. Children had been an unspoken topic between them. Why bother bringing it up?

“What do you think is going to happen to her?” Clint asked after a moment.

“I don’t know,” she answered honestly. “But she deserves a loving family since she’s been through enough heartache in her short five years of life.”

Clint nodded in agreement as he looked down at the sleeping child. “What do you think happened to her back in that lab?”

Natasha's gaze was on the child as she threaded her fingers through the girl’s soft hair. It felt like silk. “Nothing good,” she answered with a tight lipped smile. “Maria said it was classified and Fury is on his way here … I can’t fight this nagging feeling that he has plans for this child. That they did something to her,” she supplied with apprehension.

A moment later the side doors opened and the two senior agents entered.

Natasha and Clint shot their gazes towards their older surrogate siblings and noticed that something was wrong. They both looked fragile. A look you didn’t often see on them. Natasha watched as Melinda’s eyes focused on her than dropped to the young girl on her lap. She watched as Melinda's face went crestfallen before she turned away and headed for her bedroom. Phil was right behind her.

“What the hell just happened?” Clint demanded in a low tone.



Phil and Melinda were once again on the bed. There backs were against the headboard as they laid in one another’s arms. Phil had his arm wrapped around his partner as she rested her head on his chest and her hands on his abdomen. It had been a very emotional day and they she needed to be close to one another.

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