Chapter Twenty Nine

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Phil’s Office - 11:44 am

An hour had passed since the Director and Deputy Director of S.H.I.E.L.D had left.  The Bus was heading to Australia, currently flying over the ocean. It would take another fifteen hours before they would touchdown in Western Australia.

Phil was sitting behind his desk, deep in thought as he thought about the Directors words. ‘I just have a feeling that a storm is on the rise and I want the people I trust under shelter.’ Phil couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling in his gut. What did his boss mean by storm? What was he not saying? Phil hated being left in the dark.

A knock sounded at the door, pulling him from his mountain of thoughts. “Enter,” he voiced, nonchalantly.

The door opened, Skye and Jemma entered the office with hesitant looks towards their boss.

“You wanted to see us, AC?” Skye supplied, closing the door behind them before she walked towards his desk and stood beside Jemma.

Phil offered a warm smile. “Yes, I know you both must be curious to why the Director and Deputy Director were here, well besides officially making Skye a S.H.I.E.L.D agent. You earned it,” he told her, honestly.

Skye felt pride coming from him. “Thanks AC … it’s all because of you. You saw something in me that I didn’t even know I had. You and Ward made me the agent I am today.”

Phil was proud of the young woman that he saw as a daughter. “You did that,” he told her, sincerely. “We just nudged you in the right direction."

Skye didn’t know how to respond. She just offered a smile as a brief silence fell over the room.  

A minute later he got back on topic. “As I was saying, we discussed May’s current condition and they both claim that May wasn’t given anything during her surgery,” he divulged, austere. “They’re just as curious to how this is happening as we are. They actually hoped that Simmons had found something to explain her advanced healing. The Director said he locked down May’s medical file so it didn’t fall into the wrong hands. They don’t know about Skye accessing the database, it wasn’t mentioned. They only think that Simmons knows because of the test we asked her to run. We’ve all agreed to keep pretending that May is still healing from her wound, so I am going to need the both of you to keep up the act also. I know you both don’t like keeping things from Ward and Fitz, but it’s just how it has to be - for now.”

“Yes Sir.” “Sure thing, AC.” The two female agents answered at the same time.

“And you believe them?” Skye asked, crossing her arms. “That they really don’t know?”

Phil released a heavy sigh. He understood her doubts of S.H.I.E.L.D keeping secrets since they had done with her for her entire life. “Yes,” he expressed. “I’ve know them both for a very long time. Nick Fury trained me and Melinda along with several other now high-ranking agents throughout S.H.I.E.L.D. I trust the man with my life,” he supplied, emotion thick in his tone. He brought me back from the dead and was like a second father to him.

Skye nodded her head, knowing that the older man meant every word.

Phil focused his attention onto the young British woman. “Simmons, I need you to keep looking for an answer, but it stays in-house. Director’s orders. Right now we’re heading to see a friend that lives in the outback of Australia on Cattle Station that’s run by his brother and father in law. He is a well known S.H.I.E.L.D Biochemist that specializes in molecular and cell biology among several other categories I can’t pronounce. He retired a few years ago, but I know he will wanna help May.”

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