Chapter 72

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I would like to thank 'lovelylittlefeels' for making the cover for this fic.   

                                         This chapter contains sexual content in the last scene 


Wednesday, 2nd April 2014

Classified S.H.I.E.L.D Base (British Columbia)  

The Bus - 16:02 - Cargo Bay

Skye landed flat on her back on the training mats with a loud ‘thud’. Her pulse was racing as she tried to even out her erratic breathing. Thirty minutes ago Skye had informed Grant that she wanted to get back to training. She wanted to be prepared since they were heading into war soon. Skye had actually been doing pretty good, only been pinned a few times since she had been tapping into Grant’s emotions and sensed his moves. She had also managed to get him on his back a few times also.

“Wanna take a break?” Grant smirked, standing just off from her feet. “Getting pretty sweaty there, Sweetheart.”

Skye rolled her eyes and went to wipe out his feet, but Grant jumped just in time. “I don’t sweat,” she told him as she quickly swept her legs back across the other way, swiping his legs from under her S.O as soon as his feet hit the ground, catching him off guard. Skye quickly flung herself up as he fell flat on his back and pinned him down to the mat, smirking down at him.  “I glisten,” she added, before lowering her mouth to his.

Grant felt a grin spread across his lips as he quickly wrapped his legs around his girlfriends waist and then flicked his pinned wrist around and grabbed her’s, flipping her over now pinning her down to the mats, stradling above her. Grant then lowered his lips back down to her’s and deepened the kiss.


Antoine was standing in the open doorway of the lab, watching the sparring session between the two agents with folded arms. “Do they realize that they’re not alone?” he called over his shoulder towards the two scientist in the lab behind him.

“You pretty much learn to clear your throat before entering a room,” Jemma commented from behind her computer, not shifting her eyes from the screen that she was looking at. “Half the time I think they forget that they’re not the only ones in the room.”

“And the other half I think they don’t care,” Leo added, not taking his eyes of the ICER that he was tinkering with.

Antonie released a chuckle, glancing back out towards the Specialist and his Rookie. “So, they’re pretty serious?”

“Practically inseparable,” the paired answered in unison from their sections in the lab.


“Oh, get a room!” John Garrett called out as he stopped at the top of the cargo bag, a grin gracing his lips as he shook his head. “You’re worse then a pair of horny teenagers,” he teased.

Grant and Skye broke the kiss at the sound of John’s voice. Skye looked up at Grant and clenched her jaw. She could sense the loathing coming from the older man that was directed at them. ‘Yay, he’s back’ she mouthed, making a face.  

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