Chapter Forty

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Skye’s Room - 14:22 p.m

Skye felt tranquil as she laid in the soft bed, the back of her naked body pressed against her boyfriends. She could feel his soft breath on the back of her neck along with a gentle breeze that was blowing through her balcony doors that led out onto the verandah. It was soothing. Grant had an arm lazily slung over her waist. A sheet covering their naked bodies. He had been asleep for around ten minutes now after their two passionate love making sessions. The first one had been hot and heavy in the shower since she insisted he take one after his work out and the second had been as soon as they got back to her room. It was more slow, passionate and intense.

A normal person would be passed out but she wasn’t normal and her mind just couldn’t switch off. Her talk with Melinda over an hour ago kept playing through her mind. She was use to her empathic abilities since she had had them all her life, but this healing blood discovering was new to her knowledge and that was a lot to absorb in. Skye couldn’t help but think about all the lives she could have saved by now if she had known or how many she could save in the future. She knew that she would have to keep it a secret from everyone so the wrong people didn’t get their hands on her and do god knows what to her, but that also didn’t mean she couldn’t anonymously help people. People donated things anonymously all the time, right? Maybe that’s what she do? Skye didn’t need the credit, just as along as she helped people - that’s all that mattered.

Skye let out a sigh. She wondered if this ‘mutation’ that Melinda mention was the reason why she did that weird thing with the computer back in her bosses office on the bus four days ago. Skye still couldn’t believe that she had been an agent for four days. It felt like a lifetime ago that she gotten her badge from the Deputy Director, but so much had happened in those four days - also. Skye had been so directed with everything that happened since then that she had almost forgotten about the little trick she had done with the computer. She was started to wonder if she had dreamed the whole thing up.

Skye bit down on her bottom lip as she got an idea. She realized that she would carefully have to leave the warm embrace of her boyfriend and hopefully not wake him, even though he seemed pretty out of it. She inhaled a deep breath and held it for a moment as she carefully and slowly lifted Grant’s arm up and slid from under it at snail’s pace. Once she was free of his embrace, she gently lowered his arm - placed a pillow under it so he had something to hug and released her breath.

Skye then quietly slid out of the bed, grabbing her scattered clothes as she went and slid them back on. She kept an eye on her sleeping boyfriend who was hugging the pillow and a smile slid across her lips. Who knew that her strong, tough, S.O was such a cuddler. Skye had come to observe that Grant craved for intimate contact whenever they were alone and sometimes even when they were in front of other since making their relationship public.

Skye finished buttoning up her top as she walked back towards the bed and scooped up her laptop and phone. She then walked out through the open doors and onto the wraparound verandah, stopping at the patio table and placing both electrical devices down on it. She inhale a breath of fresh air as she looked out at the incredible view. She was relieved that the wraparound verandah was sheltered from the sun via the roof.

After a minute of just enjoying the view, Skye focused on the task ahead and opened her laptop. She waited for the screen to light up before she tapped in her password and then stared at the device for a moment. She was trying to think of what she should search for. How would you describe it? How to … search a database with your mind? No, that sounded stupid, but how else would she descri… Skye’s thoughts trailed off when she noticed that her laptop was doing something strange and she wasn’t even touching it.

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