Chapter Eight

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Four days later - Sunday

Cargo Bay - 16:22 p.m

Phil was sitting at the bottom of the stairs, watching with great pleasure. Since it was Sunday and they had no active field work, he was dressed in casual attire. He was pleased with the bonding the two women have recently been doing over the last week. They were good for each other.

Jemma and Leo were in the lab, pretending to work but were actually watching Agent May’s training session with Skye. It was the highlight of their day.

Skye landed flat on her face for the umpteenth time. She did that a lot during her sparring sessions with the older agent. Even if this was the beginners class and this was her fifth session. Skye knew that it was going to take a while before she got the hang of her new training but she was starting to get annoyed with constantly falling.

Melinda stood over her student. “Your not listening,” she told her in a serious tone. “Concentrate and focus.”

Skye looked up at the older woman. “I am,” she voiced. “You’re just too damn quick,” she scowled as she pushed herself off the ground and stood up. Skye was doing her best to sense the older woman’s moves, but she moved too quick.

In one quick move and with a sweep of her leg, Skye was flat on her back - again.

Skye glared up at the older woman who had delivered the attack. “I wasn’t ready!”

“Do you think your attacker will care if you’re not ready? Or wait for you?” Melinda supplied, emotionless. “You’ve gotta listen to your instinct,” she expressed, her voice softening slightly. “Put your Tai-Chi into your training. It will help.”

Skye stared up at the woman. She knew that her attackers wouldn’t wait for her to be ready. She had to be ready. Skye knew that she should be honoured that the older woman had even agreed to help her.  

“Now get up!” Melinda demanded.

“Hate to break up Skye falling on her face,” Ward’s voice flowed through the speakers of the comms system. “But I need everyone in Command Centre ASAP,” he answered.

Skye was still laying flat on her back. “Damn,” she answered. “Just when I was starting to get the hang of this,” she supplied, sarcasm filling her voice.

Melinda and Phil were already heading up the stairs. Phil chuckled at the hacktivist comment as Melinda rolled her eyes, but a ghost of a smile floated across her lips.

Jemma and Leo walked out of the lab and walked over towards their good friend that was still lying on the ground. Jemma held her hand out and Skye reached for it and pulled herself up.

“I think you’re getting better,” the young british woman supplied.

Skye laughed, humouredly. “Doubt it,” she answered as the three friends headed towards the spiral staircase.

Command Centre

Grant had been monitoring everything while Skye was in her daily ‘hell session’ as she had come to nickname it. He had watched the first one - five days ago but knew that his Rookie would do better without witness. Jemma and Leo always filled him in in what he missed anyway. Grant still couldn’t believe that it had been eight days since their undercover mission. They had flown by. With each passing day, his bond with his Rookie grew stronger and they were starting to become in-sync.

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