part 11

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Toga POV:
  'ugh my whole body hurts' I thought, "oh you finally woke up" Dabi said, "Ahh you scared me" I said, "ha surprise that's coming from you" He chuckled, "yeah yeah" I replied, "So why were you waiting for me to wake up" I asked, "What I cant make sure your okay" He said, "No because you wouldn't care" I replied, "I do care I just don't show it" He said, 'hmm that remind me of' I got lost in thought when, "TOGA" Dabi yelled, "huh" I said, "I was talking to you but you weren't answering me, you were just staring at the wall" He said, "Oh it's just that you reminded me of someone when you said I don't show when I care." I replied, "Oh, I was telling you is why don't you ever share about your back story?" He asked, "I just don't like past....just so you know our story isn't that different" I answered while looking down, "huh, what do you mean?" He questioned, "If I tell you about my past you WILL not tell no one or ever bring it up AGAIN" I said serious, "Woah I never seen you this serious before" He said pretty shocked.

Dabi POV:
  'Is her past that bad(?) but she also said our past isn't that different' I thought, "okay but first let's go to my room because I don't want anyone to come in and hear" Toga said, "okay then let's go" I replied. We got up and started walk to her room completely silent, 'Hmm she must really hate her past but I get it I hate my past to but how bad is it that she can't even talk about it to anyone(?)' I got cut off of my thoughts, "Okay get in" Toga said, I just nodded and walked in, "well get comfortable because this is gonna be long." She said while sitting on the floor on top of her carpet, "okay" I said while sitting on her bed lending on the wall, "Well my parents are all about success if your not successful then your not part of the parents wanted to have a powerful kid so they can be the number 1 hero" she said, "Oh I see what you mean now" I said, "mhm, well they had me I was powerful but my mom didn't like that I need to drink peoples blood so she just wanted me to never use my quirk and work with them in fashion because their number 1 best fashion company but I wanted to be a hero like they wanted me to be but she disagreed so as time pasted they had my little brother.....I was mad because they were just using us for our family title but he loved me so much I remember he would always say "Imma be like you be sis" while smiling so wide" she said, "...oh wow" I replied, "His quirk is extremely power he got two but he only uses one just like Todoroki your brother but instead of our dad it's our my mom...his eyes are also two different color his left eye is yellow like mine and his right is red my mom but our mom said two different eye color was too ugly so she made him wear red contacts...once mom found out his quirk she only trained him none stop and beat him if didn't do it right I would try to stand up for him but I would also get beat up with him.....(she breathed in and out) there was a incident that looked like my mother killed me because I remember that she beat us so bad that I couldn't even move or anything so she thought was gonna die so she just throw me at an alley... I can still hear him screaming to me to wake up" Toga said while tearing up, "..."I didn't know what to say, "We made a promise that we will never leave each other so when I was that I "dying" he kept saying while crying, "we promised", "you promised", "please wake up", "don't leave me", "Don't break our promise please", but right before my mom was gonna pick me up so she can just throw me in an alley he whispered "I know your faking your death and I won't forgive you for leaving me", he it in such a cold tone and stopped crying....I wanted to tell him I would come back for him and I'm sorry but my mom already picked me up and ever since that day I never went back but I know he's suffering" she said in a sad tone, "I—how did he know that you were faking your death" I asked, "Well my family is extremely smart and my brother was the smartest one out of anyone in our family which means cousins, aunts, and uncles like he can could get away with anything because I remember that this kid was bullying me and he killed him like it was nothing but no one ever knew it was him....he hide his body so well and erased any evidence that no one knew what happened to him. He was also the one who showed me all my knife tricks and skills so I'm pretty sure right now he be the best hero like my mom wants" she said, "So your family are like pretty insane" I stated, "I guess" She replied, "But what's his 2nd quirk" I asked wondering, "....his quirk is like mine but expect needing blood he just needs to have both of his eyes yellow and look at you so when he does that he already knows everything about you, got your quirk and can change to look just like you" She said, "That is a powerful quirk" I said shocked, "yeah but he hates his second quirk because that quirk is just like our mom" She said, "wait so what's your parents quirk" I asked, "well my dad uses his own blood to make fire well like it's all about his blood if he's super anger his blood will start to boil up then his fire well be red and extremely hot that can burn anything and if he's calm then his fire will be blue but it's not hot it's extremely cold but it will still burn the shit out of you and that's the quirk my brother only uses it's the same for him but he can decide which one he wants to use. For my mom she just needs to look at items and then then she'll  know all about that item and make doubles of that items like my brother but he can do humans and items but instead of making doubles he can turn into that person or item and he won't have a problem how that person would act because once he sees you he know everything about that person but like I said earlier only when his eyes are both yellow." she said, "Now I see how you got your quirk" I said, "yeah but when we were young I remember to never make his eyes yellow because that can be your worst mistake because once he goes yellow there's no going back for you but I'm know for sure he got all his insanity controlled now. Also he's way worst then me trust me" she said, "Oh wow he is extremely powerful but why didn't you ever mention your family name while explaining" I asked, "Well you see my family is the........Bakugou's" She said upset, "...The Bakugou's the most successful families"I said, "yup that's my family" She said, "Wait does that mean that blond kid is your brother" I said, "What do you mea—" Toga was cut off, "okay Toga and Dabi come here we're having an important meeting" Shigaraki yelled.

————————————————————————sorry i haven't posted i've been busy with school.

I had to change Marsaru and Mitsuki quirk to make it more realistic and also Bakugou. I hope that's okay.

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