part 24

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Todoroki POV:
  'Everything is going well so far...I do need to talk to Bakugou at lunch time about going to his house' I thought. After sometime the bell ranged, "Okay everyone go to lunch" Aizawa said, everyone got up and started to head off to lunch, "Bakugou" I said while sitting on Midoriya seat, "Hmm" He replied looking at the floor, "When we go to your house what should I do?" I asked, "Your gonna act like your normal self, your gonna act like you don't know anything, got it" He replied, "Yeah, is that all?" I asked, "We will not be talking about anything about my family or yours, we'll be acting like normal friends" He stated, "Normal friends?" I questioned, 'What does that mean?' I thought, "I mean just doing homework talking like "normal" friends about school and how to become a good hero and training" He answered,"That's not normal friends" I stated, "For my family it is...don't worry we'll just text if anything also don't do anything like pick your nose because there's cameras everywhere expect the bathrooms" He stated, "Huh!? what!?" I said weird out, "Ever since I lied" He said, " know, you with your eyes (their black by the way) like that doesn't really change how you use to look" I stated, "Hmm, yeah your right" He said looking out the classroom window, "I wonder what that black car is doing here, it looks extremely expensive" I said, "That's the bodyguards that are picking us up" He said still looking outside, "Oh are they nice?" I asked, "You wish my dad tortured them and it was so bad that they lost their emotions...completely" He stated, "..." I just stood there shocked, "Also don't bother taking out your books for our next period because I know my parents are getting impatient of waiting" He said, "but how would they get in?" I asked, "Just you watch" He stated looking right at me, 'I did not like that at all' I thought, "Do you think I'll be fine?" I asked, "Yeah you'll be okay" He said, (the bell rang), "We missed lunch....I wanted soba ;(" I said, "I would make you soba when we get to my house" He stated, which made me extremely happy/surprised but I'm not complaining, "Okay thanks Bakugou" I said while walking to my seat

Bakugou POV:
*sigh* 'They just got out of the any minute their gonna be here' I thought (his eyes are black mixed with gray now), "Okay everyone sit down" Aizawa said, "Aizawa sensei why aren't we having English today?" Momo asked, "That's because were gonna talk how the dorms are" Aizawa answered, "Oh okay" Momo said, "Okay so the dorms would hav—" Aizawa was interrupted, "Katsuki" Bodyguards said coldly bowing down, I got up, walk to him and stood in front, "Hello Takehisa, thank you for picking up Todoroki and I" I said also bowing down, we both stop bowing after "Any trouble you caused" He said coldly, "I have caused trouble" I answered (his eyes turn back to black), "What trouble did you caused now, Katsuki" He said more coldly, "I was being disrespectful to my fellow classmates and teachers, I got hit by this unknown quirk because I was being too careless...that's it Takehisa" I stated, "I would inform Mrs. Bakugou...anything else" He asked, now he wants to know if I did anything good that my parents would be proud of, "I tortured someone with her own knifes" I said while smiling creepily cold (one of his eyes turned purple and the other stood as black), "Okay get your things" He demanded, before I could turn around, "Control" He said, "Sorry Takehisa" I said (his eyes turned back to black) I know better...., "Come on Todoroki" I said while getting my stuff, "....Oh umm y-yeah" Todoroki said while picking up his bag to leave with me, "You guys got everything" He asked, "Yes, I got everything" I answered, "Yes, I got everything as well" Todoroki also answered, with that they all walked out

Class 1A POV:
  'What the actually fuck!?' They all thought, Aizawa just stood there shocked, "Am I just seeing and hearing things or was that actually Bakugou!?" Mina asked, "N-no that w-was K-kacchan" Midoriya stuttered, "...Midoriya who's that Takehisa guy?" Aizawa asked, "T-the Bakugou's b-b-bodyguards...I forgot h-how s-s-scary th-hey are" Midoriya stuttered still shocked, "D-do you think his house is safe?" Denki asked, "The Bakugou h-house is the s-safest house I ever seen and been to" Midoriya stated (little does he know), "Clearly because that g-guard is extremely intimidating" Hagakure stated (only if they knew), "Y-yeah" everyone agreeing, "I know I said I want to visit Bakubro house and family but I don't know how I feel anymore" Kirishima said, "Mhm" The whole bakusquad agreed, "...Bet his house is beautiful..."Denki stated, "Denki you idiot it's not the time...but true" Jirō said, "It's true Bakugou house is the most beautiful house and place I ever seen and every year they always remodel it...and let me tell every time they do, it looks more gorgeous" Midoriya stated, "Wow I don't even do that every year" Momo stated, "Yeah same" Iida agreeing with Momo, "Well we will see them tomorrow" Aizawa stated, "We should ask Bakubro if he can send us pictures of his house" Sero said, "YESSS I really wanna see his house now" Mina said excited, "Yeah me too" The whole bakusquad said, "Actually I wanna see Bakugou house too" Asui said, the whole class agreed, "Then let's ask him in the class 1A group chat" Uraraka said, they all agreed, "Yeah yeah talk about this in your free time we have to talk about the dorms" Aizawa stated, everyone started to pay attention

Monoma POV: (Surprise)
  'Well shit I'm late for class' I thought while speed walking fast to class, "Good evening Monoma" a familiar voice said behind me, I stopped right in my tracks and turned around and saw 'Tadashi!? *he was bowing down* what is he doing it about the unknown quirk that Katsuki got hit' I thought, "Good evening to you too Tadashi" I said bowing down as well showing no emotions, after we both stood up straight, "You came to pick up Katsuki" I stated, "Yes, Takehisa is getting Katsuki right now" He answered, "Am I also getting picked up?" I asked, "Yes but that would be tomorrow...actually let text Mrs. Bakugou if I should just take you today also" He stated, "I would wait here" I replied even though I wanted to run away, he just nodded, 'I don't want to...I'm for sure gonna get punished by Uncle Masaru (Bakugou's dad)...damn it...—the school is still depending if Class 1b and all the other classes but A1 would also need to go everywhere with our for right now we can go alone anywhere we want' I was thinking when Tadashi came back, "Go get your things" He demanded, "Yes Tadashi but I would need to inform my teacher first" I stated, "Don't worry Mrs. Bakugou already done that" He replied, "Okay" I said while getting my bag in class, "Where you going Monoma?" Kendō asked, "Home" I said coldly...everyone was shocked but I didn't care I had go back to that hell, 'Let's just get this over with' I thought while walking back to Tadashi, "Okay I'm ready to leave" I said and with that we left

Class 1b POV: (double surprise?)
  "What the!?" Almost everyone said but they were all shocked, "I-i never seen him so serious like this before" Kendō stated in disbelief, "Y-yeah also I have never seen or heard him going home" Tetsutetsu said, "Well he would be back tomorrow right Sensei?" Tokage asked, "Yes he'll be back tomorrow" Sekijirō answered, "Yeah we can ask him tomorrow when he comes back why he was being so cold also who was that guys was guy" Yanagi said "I think Monoma said Tadashi" Tsunotori stated, "Okay class we can ask him tomorrow but we need to first talk about the dorms, how they are built" Sekijirō said, and everyone started to pay attention


* Would it just be Monoma or would there be another?

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