part 37

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Dabi POV:
I woke up first, "*yawn* It's already morning? Damn" I said while getting up, "Huh, where am I?" I said while looking around when I remembered the event that took place yesterday, "Oh yeah..." I said, 'What a hell of a day' I thought, "Not just yesterday but these past days. I hope Toga is going to be okay...' I thought sitting on the edge of the bed, 'What would I do if I was her?' I wondered to myself, 'Well we both fucked up in our own way but at least she had the courage to face her family because I sure don't...I can't even say I'm still healing because I know she's not healed yet...she still has those wounds open but now they are freshly open' I thought while looking at the floor, 'Life is sure a hell hole *sigh*' Closing my eyes, 'Do I regret leaving them? Was I selfish for running away? I ran from that hell hole and left them behind acting like it was just me...but we all suffered' Having my eyes still close, 'What made me think it was okay to runaway? What made me any different from them? We all just wanted to make him (Endeavour) proud, not just me. We all wanted to be the hero he wanted us to be, we all did...' Opening my eyes, 'So what made me any fucking different from them!? I was acting like I was the only one going insane but no, we were all losing our sanity slowly without realising it. Just look what happened to her (Rei), she completely lost it but could I blame her(?) even he was losing his (Endeavour) own sanity' Staring at the floor, 'I know Natsuo was going insane but he tried to keep it together because he knew I was losing it and when I left he had to step in' Feeling ashamed, 'I sometimes saw it in his eyes, how close his sanity was leaving him but he had to put a mask on for them...for me' I thought, 'I wonder if he lost it...he always had to act. Is he still pretending?' I wondered, 'Has he lost it but no one has noticed because he puts a mask on everyday and gotten so good at acting that no one notices or he started to built up his sanity?' Looking up, 'Fuyumi *sigh* she always try to keep it together even though she was so so so alone...' Looking out the window, 'She was afraid and alone which was costing her to lose her sanity slowly too but somehow kept hanging on from just a thread of a string' Getting lost in my mind, 'But before any of us was going to completely lose it, Natsuo was there to built it back up while he was losing himself' I thought closing my eyes again, 'I was so blind to see how desperate he was to make sure we all had our sanity...he was taking our demons that was eating us slowly...I bet he must feel that he failed me but I failed him' Getting deeper in my thoughts, 'I wonder if he still has his sanity I know it's not a lot but what if he saw me? Would he completely lose it in that moment?' I questioned, "Would he?" I whispered out loud, "Huh?" I heard someone say which brought me back to reality, "Oh sorry" I said, "No, it's okay but what were you thinking about?" Toga asked, "Oh it doesn't matter" I replied, "Hmm must be important because you were really in your head" She stated, "Oh you've been awake?" I asked, "Kinda, I woke up like 4 minutes ago" She replied, "Oh umm Imma take a shower" I said getting up, "Okay, that's the bathroom" She said pointing at a door, "Okay" I said, "Don't you want clean clothes" Toga asked more like stated

Toga POV:
  "No, I'll just use the same ones" Dabi replied, "You slept with them so no" I said, "Then why ask!?" He said, "Don't know" I replied getting up while he walk to the bathroom door, "holy shit" He said breathless, "Why are you acting like you've seen the prettiest person on earth or some" I said confused, "You're bathroom" Was the only thing he could say, "What about my bathroom" I said, "I have never seen such a gorgeous bathroom" He stated, "*chuckles* It's just a bathroom" I stated which made him turn around quickly, "Just a bathroom!?" He said, "This is not just a bathroom" He continued, "Yeah yeah I know but trust me my bathroom is the most normal one in this whole house" I stated which was true, "Do I even have the rights to take a shower here or even step in here" He whispered to himself which I heard, "Yes, now take a shower and stop being dramatic" I said, "Dramatic my ass" He said getting in and closing the door, "You know where the towels are at?" I asked which I waited a minute, "Yeah, I found them" He stated, "Okay, the clothes would be on the bed when you get out" I said, "Oh okay" He replied, "Also, I'll going to my dad's office so if you need anything just ask the maid who would be outside my room" I stated, "You have a personal maid!?" He asked shocked, "Yeah we all do but we don't really need them but time like this we do" I explained, "Oh" He said, "Okay I'll be back so don't go wondering off..." I said, "Oh umm okay?" He said, "Dabi" I said serious, "Okay okay I won't leave your room, I'll stay here and ask your maid for food" He said, "Good" I said, "You worry for no reason" He stated "Yeah yeah just take your shower" I said while leaving, "I'm trying but you keep talking to me" He stated, "Then ignore me" I said, "Then you'll get mad and wait until I reply back" He stated, "True" I agree, "..." No one talked which meant I could leave, "I'm leaving now" I said which I heard the shower turn on

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