part 13

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Shigaraki POV:
'finally they came down' I thought,"what took you guys so damn long" I asked, "calm your crusty ass down we didn't hear you too well and thought we were hearing things" Dabi answered, "YOU FUC—" before I could finish my sentence I got cut off, "What did you want to tell us" Dabi asked, "yeahhhh I was busy" Toga said, "....* breathes in and out * well I was gonna say that Sensei made a plan that might work" I said while smirking evilly, "which is!?" Toga asked excitedly, "Well Sensei was testing people who didn't have quirks, to give them a quirk but of course we had brainwash some of them to agree. Well~~he finally accomplished it but you guys do remember that blonde kid we kidnapped not to long ago(?) well I'm pretty sure you do" I said, "yea toga was fighting him" Dabi said, "...yea" Toga said quietly, "Well you see we still want him to join us because he's extremely powerful" I said, "what's his quirk anyways that you want him so bad" Dabi asked, "his power is almost like your dad, your brother and yours but his fire that Sensei found out is extremely dangerous, he can burn anything and also he has it in blue like it's extremely cold that you will think it will freeze you or something but if you get hit or touch it you'll get burned, weird huh. He also knows how to control his quirk well and he never had a incident or struggled" I stated, "uh what's his umm name" Toga asked (the way he described this blonde reminded her of "him"), "You forgot his name" I asked, "Uhh..... hmmm..... ummm... you never told us his name you only called him the blonde" Toga said, "oh really whatever his name is Katsuki Bakugou" I answered, both Dabi and Toga stood there frozen(?) 'umm why are they looking like they just saw a ghost or some shit', "hello" i said while slapping Dabi and kinda shaking Toga, "uhh you know when this quirk is gone" Toga asked, "umm no only Sensei knows and why are you guys acting like this?" I asked.

Dabi POV:
  After Shigaraki was done explaining I just froze in place, 'You must be fucking kidding me right now, we're gonna die this kid is smart and insane' I thought, 'Wait a damn minute this crusty ass had the audacity to slap me' I thought when I felt someone grab my arm, "Meeting over Sensei needs me" Shigaraki said while leaving, "Oh okay byeee" Toga said while dragging me, "Why are you dragging me" I asked, "We were still talking remember" She said, "oh umm yeah" I replied, 'didn't she like not want to talk about her past but she still wants to finish talking about it(!?) but why is that(?) ughh thinking about it makes my head hurt she's strange' I thought but getting cut off, "Dabi we're here" she said, "oh okay" I said while we both go set in the same spot, "are we fucked?" I asked, "We aren't fucked but he will figure it out quickly" Toga replied, "ugh we don't even know about this quirk and all this makes my head hurt" I said, "Look it has to do something with his emotions because when I fought him his eyes changed colors and when it did he had a completely different emotion maybe that's why I didn't notice him" Toga started, "Well of course, he didn't even need to use his quirk or anything, he just fought like a normal person(?)" I stated.

Toga POV:
   "Look he's my brother and I know him the best" I stated, "You sure about that(?) cause last time I checked you betrayed his ass, look I know I shouldn't speak cause I did the same" Dabi said, "Yes I know but I also know he won't kill me even if I betrayed and ....."I said shamelessly not finishing the sentence, "AND what Toga what did you do!?" Dabi questioned, "Look I lied about one thing" I replied, "what was that!?" he asked, "Well my brother doesn't hate because I left him.....he knew I would come back and he was right but when I came back I did something that he won't ever forgive and I don't blame I still can't forgive myself" I answered, "What was that?" He asked, "I did something that could never be forgiven or forgotten" I said shameful, "TOGA just spit it OUT" Dabi said kinda yelling, "I ......" I said whispering the last parts, "Just SAY IT DAMN IT" Dabi said now getting irritated, "I KILLED OUR FATHER OKAY" Toga yelled, "what?" he said, "I killed him okay" Toga said, "wait is that why you never mentioned your dad" He replied, "Yes our dad was different but I won't lie he wasn't even better then our mother" I stated, "why you do it though" He questioned, "I did it because I couldn't handle it anymore......I still remember that day like it was yesterday" I replied, "..."Dabi just sat there quite.


Toga knocked at Bakugou window at his bedroom. Bakugou turns his head to face the window, to see Toga and quickly ran to open his window to let her in, "SIS" Bakugou yelled, "hey brother, how is everything" Toga asked, "Everything is still the same but expect the beating has gotten worse" Bakugou answered, "I promise I'll get you out of this hell hole" Toga promised, "Sis hide under my bed Uncle Jason is coming up" Bakugou stated hearing footsteps, Toga quickly hide under Bakugou bed, "Who were you talking to?" Jason asked opeing the door, "Sorry sir I was doing homework and I was thinking out loud" Bakugou said formula, "What did I tell you about that" Jason said serious, "That you should not think loud because it's best you keep it all to yourself or someone might steal your credit Sir" Bakugou said, "Good now what were you doing" Jason said with a dark expression, "Thinking out loud" Bakugou stated, "You know what that calls for" Jason said with a evil look, "Yes, I am sorry Sir for disobeying you" Bakugou stated before getting hit in the face. Toga could only hear his brother getting hit and all the harsh words their uncle was telling him. She couldn't take it anymore so she ran to push their "uncle" off Bakugou but he had already left and Toga mistakenly pushed their father who hit his head extremely hard on Bakugou desk that killed him instantly. They both sat there frozen, "Y-y-you killed o-o-our d-d-ad" Bakugou said, "I-i didn't mean to" Toga states just staring, "You killed him" Bakugou said, "I-i'm s-sorry but look it's okay he never even treated us well" Toga said, "well look at this isn't it my annoying granddaughter" Jason said, "..." They both stood there quite, "Look like I won't be seeing you anymore" Jason said showing a picture he took of Toga "killing" her/their father, "im sorry Bakugou I got to go" Toga said rushing to leave, "You promised you'll save me from this hell hole. YOU promised you won't leave me" Bakugou screamed, "your-r j-just a fucking lair and you killed dad who was trying to change. WHY!? FUCKING WHY!?" he yelled, "..."Toga just stood there at the window, "WHY DAMNIT" He yell, "..."she still said nothing, "I hate you" Bakugou said with no emotion, "goodbye brother until we meet again" Toga said leaving, "Go to hell" Bakugou said with no emotion.


Toga and Dabi POV:
"That's how I killed my dad" Toga said, "Did you really forget" Dabi pointed out, "No I didn't forget I just couldn't forgive him so when I killed him I just sat there and my brother saw right through me, he knew I didn't care and he also knew I wouldn't go back to him" Toga said, "Why" Dabi asked confused, "Why I didn't go back to him or why I killed my dad" Toga asked, "Both" Dabi answered, "I wanted my dad died even though he said he would "change" but I can't ever forget what he did to my brother and brother had worst then me though because you know my parents want him to be the best hero...he wouldn't beat my brother for hours like my mother would but when he beat him he made sure he would never forget it. The punishment my dad did to my brother when he didn't do something right was horrible to this day I still hear his painful screams...but my father would beat him up worst and say "be quiet you damn brat. YOU should NEVER show your damn fucking PAIN or EMOTIONS you hold it in. YOU UNDERSTAND" and my brother would just say, "yes I understand sir" while almost getting beating to death" Toga said angrily, "Why do you call your dad sir or is just your brother" Dabi questioned, "No, my brother and I had to call him sir in all time expect when we have visitors that isn't our family" Toga stated, "why" Dabi asked, "That is a way to show "respect" so we had to call our dad, uncles, grandpas, boy cousins "sir" and our mom, aunts, grandmas, girl cousins "ma'am" no matter the age but we only call them that when we speak to them but if your talking about them to someone you say uncle or who ever your talking about but only in the Bakugou's family" Toga stated, ".....and your brother..." Dabi said quietly, "I didn't go back to my brother because I was afraid my uncle would put my in jail if I didnt obey him and so I broke our promises" Toga said, "Don't you care(!?), you talk about it like it's nothing!?" Dabi stated, "Of course I care but my family rises me to not show my emotions to never let someone see how I truly feel" Toga said darkly, " your family is fucked up in many ways" Dabi said, "I know but I think that's all I can tell you for now because it's night time already and someone might suspect something if they see you leave my room late" Toga said, "You got a point for once" Dabi said jokingly, "haha very funny burn toast well goodnight" Toga said kicking Dabi out, "You blood sucking mosquito!" Dabi said before getting kicked out. Dabi walked back to his room but couldn't go to sleep, he couldn't stop thinking about Toga past or her family and for Toga she couldn't sleep either, she couldn't believe she told someone.

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