part 35

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Toga POV:
  We sat there, "Im a horrible person" I said, "I made myself forget all the bad things I did to them" I stated, "The fucking audacity I had" Looking at the floor, "So I can make myself forget all the shit I've done to them...but they couldn't!?" Getting mad at myself, "They always forgave me and they still do even if I did so much shit to them...they still forgive me" Not moving, "I wonder if I told them or they truly forgive me because they want to(?)" I questioned, "If I were them then I wouldn't forgive me...I would hate me" I stated, "...I do hate me..." I whispered, "I hate how I made myself forget all the shit I've done to them but my memories are still blurry" I said, "What else was a lie(!?)" I questioned, "I don't know what's true or not" I stated, "This truly sucks" Looking at the blank black wall, "Say Toya" I said while he just sat there listening to me, "Hm?" He said, "You look confused on something. What is it?" I asked, "Oh it's just what did your dad mean making them kill a kid?" He asked, "Oh...I remember that day like it was yesterday how could I forget" I said, "There was this kid who made fun of me but one day I had enough of him and his crap so I went to Katsuki and Neito was there because he particularly lives here" I explained, "...I told them to kill him by torturing him but they didn't want to do it so I told them I would do something that I can't remember and I would also tell dad how they made me "kill" him...them being afraid of him, they did it..." I continued, "How did your dad found out you were forcing them?" He questioned, "You didn't hear him when he said I made them do it so many times that they fell in love with it...that's how my dad found out about Katsuki changing eye colours (yellow/red)" I explained, "Also Neito cold and crazy aura. He's was known to be calm maybe still a little crazy but he was calm but since I forced him to do so many things he well...lost himself and went insane" I stated, "But he looks normal now?" Dabi stated, "Of course he does, dad fixed him I guess. How? I don't know myself" I replied, "That's why Neito and Katsuki are emotionless" I stated, "If they felt emotions it could be difficult and many things could happen" I explained, "How so?" He asked, "They'll go crazy. My father has never been scared or felt fear but with those 2 he has which says a lot" I replied, "They respect our family even if it's hell. They won't hurt us but instead protect us all" I continued, "They still have good hearts" Dabi stated, "Of course they do...they were born with such beautiful hearts...our family could never" I said, "Sadly I ruin them..." I whispered

Dabi POV:
"Look I know the shit you did was fucked up and you can't change that but now you can make it up to them" I said, "...I know it's just I can't ever forgive myself" Toga said, "Yes I know because it's gonna take time" I stated, "You aren't a horrible were just in pain because you wanted your parents to praise you like they praised them" I said, "Yeah it so selfish of me but I hate how Ill always have respect towards them (Masaru and Mitsuki)" She said, "I hate how I won't betray them and I'll always come back to them" She continued, "How do you do it?" She asked, "...Hatred..." I replied, "I had all this hatred towards all of them expect for my mother but truth is I hated myself because I couldn't be the hero like he (Endeavour)...wanted me too" I stated looking at the floor, "I was disparate to make him proud that I was slowly hating and losing myself..." I continued, "I hated myself for all these years but I never noticed until you opened up to me" I said, "..." Toga just sat there listening, "To be honest I myself didn't understand why I hated my family until you opened my eyes...this whole time I hated myself *sigh* that's why I couldn't be happy and was living a miserable life, still am" I stated, "Yes, I know our situation is different but at same time we're the same" I stated, "You're right" She said, "We ran away from our problems and hurt the ones that we love so much" She stated, "All we can do is make it up to them now" I said, "...Yeah..." She replied, "When are you going to tell your family?" She asked, "When we help your brother from this unknown quirk" I replied, "Why you ask?" I asked, "I just don't want you to keep on running away so promise me you will tell them" She said in serious tone looking at me, "I will and I promise I will tell them" I said, "You gotta promise me something" I said, "And that is?" She questioned, "You need to stop beating yourself up about the past. We can't change anything and all we can do is to expect it" I said, "...I already know what Imma do" She replied, "What's that?" I asked, "Don't worry about it...all you need to know is that they wouldn't suffer anymore" She replied getting ready to sleep, 'I have a bad feeling' I thought, "Come on we need to sleep, we have to go back tomorrow" She said, "Yeah I know" I said laying down and wrapping myself up with the blanket, "...So we gonna sleep on the same bed" I said while we both are laying down on our side facing opposite sides, "Yeah...brings memories when I was younger" She said, "Me too...I miss them" I replied, "I know they wouldn't be mad...they'll be happy to see you again" She said, "Same went with you...when I saw Monoma, Hawks, and Bakugou look at you for first time, I saw there eyes shine so bright for a spilt second" I said, "They we're so happy to see you" I said drifting to sleep, "We have *yawn* amazing siblings" She stated, "Yeah..." I said before we both fell asleep

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