part 18

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Bakugou POV:
"We have all night" I said, "no sleep(?), okay" Todoroki said sad, "Stop bring a baby, be happy that Im even telling you" I said, "Yeah I am happy you trust me" He replied, "Also be glad I'm telling you because if it was my sister then you would barely know anything" I said, "Why is that?" I asked, "That's because she ran away from a young age so she doesn't know the darker secrets" I replied, "Welp that brought me to chills" He responded, "Yeah yeah whatever" I said, "It's true your voice sounds so deadly and lifeless when your eyes are black" He replied, "Thanks for pointing out the obvious" I said, "I guess you already know that" He replied, "Of course I do every time I talk people get chills or get scared" I replied, "true" He replied, "Well continuing with my shitty life now" I said, "okay" he responded, "So I was explaining my mom side— their eye colors doesn't matter if it light or dark anything that's red or anything that's blond, light or dark doesn't matter either. They love to bring pain to others but if you have them "under control" then they would only hurt their children also family like cousins and shit. They care a lot about their reputation, their kids have to be the best in everything no matter what it is. They love to play with knifes, throwing them to people or even to their families but for them it's all in games" I said, "Is that why you could've dodge all those attacks from Toga" He said, "Well yeah but there's a big meaning why it was extra easy" I said smirking evilly (his eyes are black and purple now), "Control please. Still wanna live you know well if I get killed I don't wanna die in a psycho hands" He stated, "Chill the fuck out I won't kill you. I have no intentions to anyways" I said (his eyes are back to black), "Oh that's good to know" He said, "Anyways she doesn't count" I said, "And why is that" He questioned, "That's because she's my...sister" I replied, "WAIT WHAT" He said in shocked, "Yeah she's my sister and I'm the one who taught her all those moves" I stated, "Teach me because if I was the one to fight her then she would stab me for sure" He stated, "I could teach you if you want but it won't be easy" I stated, "Wait really!?" He said surprised, "Yeah I want someone to be like me because she always tried to be on my level but couldn't get close and I want someone to fight just like me so it won't hurt to teach you" I said, "Now i'm rethinking" He said, "No turning back we'll start training tomorrow in our dorms" I stated, "...oh no...okay..." He said, "Alright, now continuing— in my mom side they don't take nothing serious but if they do then you fucked up big time, you don't ever want them to be serious. They have two completely different personality when people come over they act normal but when family come over their completely psychopaths...umm I think that's all." I said, "Oh wow" He said, "Now's family" I said with an dark aura, "Oh umm you okay" He asked, "Yeah, well they love to torture people also kill. They love to play with guns, shooting. They have no remorse, they feel completely nothing when they kill or torture. If they torture their kids they don't hold back but do they say "This is for your own good" or "If you can't handle this then your weak". Their eyes are completely dull and voice deadly, no life. Oh eye colors doesn't matter if it light or dark yellow or brown and for hair it's brown any type light or dark doesn't matter either. They're more in gangs or in the port mafias. My father is the leader of the strongest mafia in the whole world. Also in my dad side reputation is key for them. Their kids must to be like them too— like good with guns, killing, torturing. That's because their assassinates and his whole family has assassins in their blood" I said, "So your a half blooded assassinate" Todoroki asked, "Oh no, I'm a full cold blooded assassinate— oh didn't mention my mom side of the family are also cold blooded assassinate. welp that's why you don't want them to be serious" I stated

Todoroki POV:
'...I am speechless' I thought, "Your family is scary" I stated, "Not really" He said, "The fuck you mean not really!?" I said, "Well I don't know maybe because I'm part of that family idiot" He said, "...True so for you it's normal" I said, "Yeah, it's like your family eating so much is weird for me" He stated, "Wait your telling me all your family eat the same amount of food!?" I said shocked, "Yeah, we only once a day and small amount" He said, "So your family is super skinny" I said, 'If I ever meet them...which is never thank very much...their gonna be hella skinny like look at offense...but look at him but how does he still have ass(?) and is very curve(?) makes no sense' I thought, "Actually no look at hawks" He said, "Wait what!?" I said even more shocked, "Yeah hawks is my cousin from my dad side" He stated, "He eats once a day(!?) and he is skinny but not like you!?" I said, 'His family is just full of I right!?' I thought, "First rude and second yeah he eats once day with small amount of food" He said, "But how(!?) that doesn't make sense" I questioned, "Beats me...I don't know either but I didn't get the gen, that gen comes from my dad side...I got my mom gen so that's why I'm skinny" He said, "Your really skinny but still have ass also really curve how does that work" I asked bluntly, "I think my ass got my dad's gen and my curves from my mom's gen" He said sarcastic, "Haha very funny Bakugou" I said, "Okay but for real I don't know...I'm just built like this" He said, "My girl cousins be jealous and pissed off because I have nicest body out of all my family" He stated, "Oh wow but I do admit your body is really nice" I stated, "Thanks but I like your body better" He said (not them getting off topic), "Really?" I said, "Yeah, you have the best body out of the whole school also you have a handsome face, and everyone likes you" He stated, "Wait for me is the opposite, you even made guys bisexual or even gay" I stated, "Really? I never knew that" He said, "Yeah, the whole school has a big crush on you" I said, "No that's you" He said, "No, it's you— every time I walked down the halls, people are always talking about you" I stated, "What? Every time I walked down the halls their talking about you" He said, They both just looked at each and started laughing really hard but we're trying not to be loud (his eyes turned yellow), "Wow I guys everyone like both of us" I stated, "I guess so, every time one of us walked down the hall they talk about the other which mean when we leave they talk about us both" He said (his eyes turned gray), "I guess so too and when we both walk to a hall they just talk about school and wait until we leave so they can talk about us" I said, "Welp that's funny" He said, "We went from your shitty life to how skinny you are to the whole school liking us" I said, "Oh speaking of my shitty life let's continue" He said, "Oh okay then" I said

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